Hello, I am 6 months pregnant and experiencing a lot of anxiety. horrible thoughts come to my mind, usually what ifs..
i am taking Celexa now that my ob prescribed me and I was feeling much better, but he went up on the dosage and i dodnt feel very good today.
I am very scared and anxious thinking if I am able to do this. 5weeks ago I was glowing happy but my first panic attack happened and since then I have been having bad thoughts, irrational and it scares me sooo much..
Please, help..
Lua, what thoughts are they, miscarriage fears ?? I think it is all normal to a certain extent, what did your doc say?
Your icreased dosage is probably the reason you are feeling like this. You have to keep in touch with your Dr. and let him know all your fears and anxieties becasue he can definetly help you out so you don't have to live like that. Sometimes when your dose is too high it makes you feel worse not better and also the hormone interaction from your pregnancy is probably not helping either.What kind of thoughts are you having? and is thre anyone to talk to about them? I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Keep me posted *hugs*