Ankles Still Swollen After HELLP Syndrome
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I had a severe case of preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome almost 8 weeks ago. It is my fourth baby and I suffered with preeclampsia at differing levels with all of them, but this was the worst and he was 10 weeks early. I stayed in the hospital a week after his c-section waiting for my blood pressure to stabilize and my liver and kidney functions to return to normal. Finally i was sent home, but now, my ankles are still huge every afternoon and after a having blood work before getting a tubal ligation i was told my kidney and liver functions weren't terrific. I am still on blood pressure meds which are keeping my pressure stable, but not great. my BP was fine before pregnancy and up to the fifth month. Anyone else having a difficult time getting back to normal after HELLP Syndrome? I am not going back to the doctor yet, b/c my insurance has run out. Any info would be nice.