My Belly Button Looks Infected After C Section
2 Replies
I gave birth by c-section 3 weeks ago. The recovery was going great then last night my incision area started bothering me. I couldn't tell if it was the outer or inner incision, but it hurt and was itchy. Now I woke up and my belly button was itchy. I looked in the mirror and the inside of my belly button is very red and infected looking. What could this be from ? Anyone else experience this?
| hi - March 8 |
How did they cut you? Itching is normal cause its healing-mine itched real bad for a few weeks-but I can't figure why they would cut you by your belly b___ton?
I had same thing. Turns out it was a yeast infection. Doc said moisture must have been trapped in the navel as it retracted back into abdomen. I was given a cream and it was gone in a week or so.