Exactly How Far Along Am I
3 Replies
If I conceived on the 8th April, how far along would I be by now? What would the estimated due date be?
have you not gone to the doctor? that could be really dangerous considering you are at about 14weeks and a couple of days. you should be already having monthly apponiments and your first ultrasound. you need to get to the doctor because they can also tell you exactly how far you are. plese be careful hun and go see a doc. let me know hwat happens email me at Jessabear16@yahoo.com
| Jo - July 21 |
You should have an ultrasound and visit a doctor right away. But to answer your question, you are about 16 weeks along. Your due date is probably on or about Dec 30th.
my last period was may13 when and my first missed period was june9