Hello. My daughters due date was 22 March 2007. I had s_x with someone on May 28 and then again with someone else at the end of June (23, 24 and into July). All of my u/s showed that my daughter was conceived at the end of June. She was born on Valentines Day, which would mean I conceived late May. I had an u/s at about 5 weeks and the doc couldnt see a fetus and thought I had misscarried. When I went back after about a week, the doc told me I was only 6w2d. Is there anyway the u/s can be a month off? or is it just coincidental that my daughter was born 1 month early? she was only 5 pounds 4 oz.
my dd is march 6, and i know i concieved mid june. so your dd sounds right, i dont think the u/s was a month off. and given by your daughters weight at birth, signal she was born a little early as well. because some babies are born early (or late) is why they use your lmp or u/s to detect how far you are and when you concieved, rather than waiting until the baby is born.