Confused On The Ultyrasound
1 Replies
ok my first ultrasound i had said i was 8w3d which was 4 days off from the first day of my lmp then like a couple months later my ultrasound said i was 16w4 days which was just what i should have been from my first uktrasound so does that mean i got preg 4 days after my lmp or is the ultrasound wrong like my due dates are march 26 from lmp and march 30 from ultrasound do you think the ultrasopund is right my dr said that ultrasound confrimed that the bleedind was a period are ultrasopunds accurate in doing that?? please help so confused
Well technically if you have a 28 day cycle you dont get pregnant until 14 days after the first day of your LMP. The way the u/s goes it measure the babies length and can be wrong either way 5-7 days. If you know your LMP and the babies first u/s falls into that time line, hence the baby was only 4 days off, than the dr should go by the EDD of March 26. Than your next u/s showed that either it was more accurate or the baby caught up in growth, which is so usual. I had my 2nd u/s at 6 weeks 5 days and baby measured 6 weeks 2 days I believe and by 13 weeks the baby was exactly the size it should be.