How Many Weeks Am I -pg110934673918
53 Replies
Mel, i know the day of my last period was june 9th but i no it was conceived on the 28th but that makes me 3weeks pregnant when i havent even concieved! just wanted to know which week should i read about, tis either 7weeks if i count from when i conceievd or 10 from my last period! so so confusing! :) xXx
I went to the Dr. and they did a sonogram on me on july12th,2005 They told me I would be 17 weeks pregnant, on that friday which would of been July 15th, 2005. So was wondering when my due date should be? If anyone can give me some good and honest advice I would appreciate it. It is very important to me.....Thank You for your help!! Lesa J.
dont know last period was may 10 2005 and its know aug.19 2005
| Mel - August 21 |
Lesa J... It will be easier to work out how many weeks you are if you tell me the first day of your last period..:)
my last period was may 27 how many weks am i it now august 30th
I had my last period on July 28 and its now August 13. So how many weeks am I?
my due date is dec 25 2005 so how far am i
my last period started on july 14th, 2005. i know i'm pregnant but i don't know how far i am