What Day Did I Get Pregnant -pg110834449118

109 Replies
MY MY - March 17



diane darnell - March 23

i did not have my peroid for december but i had it in november the doctor says i am not four months but i think i am


bj - March 28

what day did i get pregnant if my due date is september 25th,2006


j91116 - April 6

Hi I had my period for feb normal. March not normal.....it was brown and only lasted on and off 3 days. Now my b___st hurt! I cant be pregnant right?


jit - April 14

what day did i get pregnant


eve - April 20

wha day did i get pregnant, if m due date id november, 4, 2006


Angela - April 20

Eve - Saturday, February 11, 2006 if you have a 28 day cycle.


Nicole - April 20

i am due Oct 12. What day did I conceive?


chrissy - April 23

i dont know


Brandie in Ga - May 11

Here are answers to more than one question so read all of this....lol.....Ok I have noticed alot of people askin how many months they are...Well here is chart to answer that question.... The timeline is like this: Month 1 = Weeks 1-4 Month 2 = Weeks 5-8 Month 3 = Weeks 9-13 Month 4 = Weeks 14-17 Month 5 = Weeks 18-21 Month 6 = Weeks 22-26 Month 7 = Weeks 27-30 Month 8 = Weeks 31-35 Month 9 = Weeks 36-40 Now if you want to see what day u turn another week then go to this site and put in your LMP... http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/p-regnancycalendar/l/blpregcalc.htm To- see your pregnancy Calendar then go here... http://www.amazingpregnancy.co-m/timeline/index.phtml?error=The%20date-%20you%20entered%20is%20invalid! and- finally this is pregnancy calculator that can tell you by putting in your due date exactly how far you are and what day you conceived...Use the one that says Calculate Backwards... Hopefully some of this helps you that are wondering about this all.....Best of luck to you all...


pam_1 - May 26

what day did i get pregnant if my due date is november 26,2006


Constant - July 12

What day did I get pregnant, if my estimated due date is Dec 3.


JASMINE123 - January 25

what day did i get pregnant if my due date is feb 9 2006


jencamelot - February 9

when did i get pregnant if my due date is 5/1/07


bea - April 18

my due date is september 28 when did i get pregnant


Shanna1975 - April 26

my last period was February 26 2007 when did i get pregnant



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