When Did I Conceive -pg119667542571
4 Replies
I found out I was pregnat 0n dec24. I was 17 weeks pregnant when I found out . Since I was on the depo I just wanted to know exactly around what date did I conceive.
I would say around Sep 10
Are you sure it's the10th. The reasonn why I ask because I didn't have a period and I was on the Depo. So if you say the 10th of Sep was when I conceived then would my due date be 3 Jun or 10 Jun.
It would be June 3rd, If you are trying to determine conception and you never had a period I would go off your first ultrasound, if you were 17 weeks pregnant on Dec 24, go back 15 weeks and thats when you conceived, I hope that helps.
when can i start feeling that i` pregnant