Pregnancy After Miscarriage Pg1285257614
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This is the firstFirst progesterone mc10
First progesterone mc5
First-progesterone vgs 100
First-progesterone vgs 200
First-progesterone vgs 25
First-progesterone vgs 400
First-progesterone vgs 50
First-testosterone mctime I am inputting onto this forum. Sorry if I say anything wrong.. & please correctCorrect (new formula)me 8o) .
I am a 26 year old trying to conceive for the last couple of years. Having been referred to the fertility clinic they put me on a dose of Clomid. After the firstFirst progesterone mc10
First progesterone mc5
First-progesterone vgs 100
First-progesterone vgs 200
First-progesterone vgs 25
First-progesterone vgs 400
First-progesterone vgs 50
First-testosterone mcscan the clomid dose (1 tablet) wasn’t effectiveEffective strength cough syrupso I was advised to take 2 tablets.
On the 3rd month of my clomyd cycle, I finally conceived. After approx 5-6 weeks I had a miscarriage. I was extremely devastated 8*(… we don’t have any children so this was just a dream come true. I had a sharp pain on the lower left side on the night of 19/08 with a brownish discharge on the Friday morning … than gradually getting a very very dark brown. Long story short I had bleeding on Sat morning 21st August (Our anniversary 8*( ) went to the emergency unit, and miscarried at the hospital upon being asked to provide a urine sample. It was a shock becos everything just came out in the urine jar. It was a feeling I just can’t describe. I went into a state of shock having seen it. The bleeding lasted a week & completely stopped by the 29/8. I had my final scan to see everything was o.k on the 03/09. On that day the lady scanning told me I had a good sized follicle there & it should release within the next 8-10 days. I was so excited & thought to start trying soon (like every one would hopefully). On the week-end 11th/12th sept we got together.
On the 13th/14th I had symptoms of my period starting…. Being bloated & eating so much more …. But on the 15th/16th/17th/18th/19th sept I had a light browny disharge like the beginning of a period… with cramping here & there……but the discharge didn’t get any heavier… just tailed off again. Could this be too early for a period or have I conceived 8o/. I am very anxious & would like to hear your story. I hope I am pregnant… but am really scared.