Trying Again After Two Miscarriages
13 Replies
Hi, I was just wondering if there're ladies here in my situation.. I felt we could share concerns and encourage each other. I'm 28, recently married (9months ago) but with my married life saddened by two miscarriages - back to back - at 6 weeks and then at 10 weeks. I still do feel the pain although the last miscarriage was in April. My husband and I want to try again but no luck so far.. I do feel anxious and I wonder if this is part of the reason. How have people gone about trying to forget, in order to move on??? I feel hurt when people ask why we're not pregnant already, after 9 months of marriage... people who don't know our experience so far......
ChelsX - My deepest sympathies for your losses. I, too, had back-to-back miscarriages. Both were missed m/c's detected at 7 weeks. The first one, we waited for nature to take its course, but ended up with a D&C at 11 weeks. That baby would have been due today. The second m/c was 5 months later. We waited two months before TTC again and got lucky the first month. This time, we were planning to wait the doctor's recommended three cycles, but AF took 9 weeks to appear after my second D&C. So, we're debating between waiting 2 or 3 cycles now. Unfortunately, you're never going to forget your losses, but a few things that have helped me move on is reminding myself that 1) miscarriages are more common than people realize (just read that 31% of all conceptions end in miscarriage), 2) they are a part of nature, and 3) we're obviously still fertile. Overall, trying to see things clinically rather than emotionally. Feeling anxious won't help the situation. Maybe take a little break from TTC and reconnect with one another. Take a vacation without the pressure of baby making and maybe nature will do its thing. Best of luck. Lots of sticky baby dust to you.
Chels, and Cali, I'm sorry for your losses too. I have had 3 all up - one at 9 wks before my lovely daughter was born (now 2) and two more this year, one in April at 6 wks and one in June at 9 wks. It's so hard but we need to keep up the courage to try again. As Cali said, so very common. Let's give each other support as we try again.
Hello, ChelsX and girls, I'm also very sorry for all your losses. I've had mine in May06 and Mar07. So as everybody else, I have better and worse days. I guess we are now little more worried as nothing has happened for a very long time. You are never going to forget it and I know that future pregnancies are going to be tough. But we have to believe in good. Most stories you hear around do have the happy ending! And they say: All comes to those who wait.
Hi all - I am in the same boat - w/ 2 mc's nov and mar and then a d/c in may cuz 2nd one was still lingering. And recuperating emotionally and physically... It is hard when no one knows. I finally feel ok to try again. Trying to ease up on work so don't feel too overwhelmed. There are days I feel weak, and doubtful and a little frustrated - why do we have to try!! :) But then I snap out of it. Keep myself positive, and hopeful, because that is the mom and that is the world I want my baby to come into. I want to develop that in me now, and still accepting there are those down days ; moments. It will happen girls - because we want it sooo bad!! :) That's from the olympics.
I am very sorry to hear about all of your losses. I know how it feels to be the only person I know who has had more than one miscarriage. I am 29 and had two miscarriages in the past year. I had my first last Labor Day weekend and a D&C the following week. I am now recovering from my second miscarriage. We found out last Monday that we lost another baby. I had another D&C Friday and am now feeling a little better. I like knowing that it isn't just me suffering through these terrible losses. Sometimes I feel as though I am defective because I have yet to have a healthy pregnancy. But if I have learned anything about greving for the loss of a baby is that time is the only thing that will help us heal. I truly hope that we all can have healthy babies! Everyone keeps telling me that my time will come, but that does not seem to help. I don't know if I ever will be able to have a baby. It is a terrible feeling.
I am so sorry for all your losses. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I too know what you are all going through. I am 35 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for about 3 years. Having a miscarriage 2 1/2 years ago we decided to wait before trying again. During this summer we were trilled to find out we were pregnant and due around my husbands birthday. Thrilled we waited until we had our first u/s at 7 weeks before telling family and friends. U/s was fine, we were able to see babies heart beat. Last Wednesday I began to spot lightly. Dr said everything is probably fine but suggested a have another u/s to put myself at ease. Went in hopes of maybe seeing the s_x of the baby I had no idea what would happen, no heartbeat. I was devastaded, I couldn't yelled or cry I was in complete shock. My husband unfortunatly is out of town which made that much worse for both of us. I feel so hopeless and depressed my family and friends call but I can't talk to them. I find it difficult to get out of bed. We decided to have genetic screening done to hopefully find out the cause and whether we should try again. I know I can go full term, I have a beautiful 12 year old girl. The las miscarraiage we decide not to tell and family but this time everything seem to be going so well - I feel we made a mistake. I know it is so hard on them especially my daughter. I feel giulty for putting them through this. Also because I just can't handle to the phone and the simple question of "how are you doing?". I just begin to sob.
hi.. my name is tosh this is now my 2nd lost in less then 6 mnths i would have been 15 weeks friday i am 22 this is the hardest thing in life for me right now i want a baby so bad i am scared to keep trying i am just ready to give up i can not take this pain again i will be gettin my d&c fri then i am gettin on birth control. how can yall deal with the pain???
Hello my name is Jennifer....I have had two miscarraiges and we are trying to get pregnant again.
I dont know what I should do...I have been taking prenatal vitamins for over 6 months. I eat as healthy as possible...I dont know what else to do? I used to smoke socially...maybe 3 a week. but I completely quit 3 months ago...I want to be completely healthy when we are trying to get pregnant again due to my fear of another miscarriage. Is it possible for me to get pregnant again? whats wrong with me? What should I do?
I just went through my second miscarriage. My first one was August 2006. It was a natural miscarried, don't know to much about it because I started spotting at 6 weeks and 7 weeks had heavy bleeding by the time I got to the dr they told me I lost the baby.
March 2007 I got pregnant again at 5 weeks I started spotting. DR's office got me in with in 30 minutes of my call and did a U/S. Baby was right on the dot with mesurments but no heart beat... was told to come back in 2 weeks and not to worry because its still early. LONGEST 2 WEEKS OF MY LIFE. Had the second U/S and baby measured right on again and there was the heart beat.... long story shot I gave birth in December 2007 to my daughter.
I ended up pregnant again in Aug 2010.. I called the dr office to see if they wanted to see me because of m history. I was told not to worry because I had given birth to my daughter since my miscarriage and they will see my at 9 weeks for my first prenatal visit.
As the weeks past I keep telling m friends I just do not feel pregnant, and something feels wrong to me. But at 7 weeks I could no longer b___ton my jeans and had to step up to maternity clothing already. So I put those feelings aside.
Oct 5th I went in for my first prenal visit at 9 weeks. I told the Midwife about my not feeling pregnant and she said oh I bet its a boy. I was also having the worst back pain I have ever had & she gave me a chropractors card. Then she went on to do my exam and then did a ultra sound. She tured it off really fast and wanted me to see someone else. She said I did not see any movement or a heart beat. So I went to see someone else and same thing no movement, no heart beat and the baby measured 1 week to small.
So I was advised to have a D&C the next morning.
So here I am now TTC again.
No it does not get easier and through my daughters pregnancy I was SCARED to death that something was going to happen even at the hospital I was thinking she was going to be a still born.
I am really scared right now because its more rare to have a miscarrage after you have had a live birth. But I am not going to give up and keep trying!
Im really sorry to hear of everyones loss but there is hope still!
I am 25 and have M.E. although this should not cause problems making babies as advised by my doctor.
My loving partner and I have been trying to concieve our first baby for the past 9 months. In December I sadly had an early miscarriage (about a week after conception). I had some spoting and the day after I took a HPT which came back a faint positive, but positive non the less. However aunt flo came heavily a couple days later and the pregnancy tests came back negative after that. I saw my GP and he said it was a very early miscarriage.
Obviously we were devastated by this.
What I don't understand is people who don't want children yet seem to so easily get pregnant while us people who want children so very much its so difficult... I know that the world is an unfair place and good things do not seem to happen to good people but bringing new life into the world is the most basic of human abilities and im so scared that I wont even be able to do that! (along with my illness, it feels like my body is just rejecting everything)
Its so frustrating, we have been actively trying to concieve for 9 months with no success so far.
Reading some of the comments is making me wonder if there is something else wrong with me. Other people have fallen pregnant 2 times in 6 months, although unfortunately unsuccessful, its still a pregnancy non-the-less.
I am just so frustrated, and maybe thats its the stress thats having an effect on me. But there is really no friend or family member who I can talk to about this.
I truly wish everyone here all the success in the world and may babies be brought to everyone who wants one so dearly! And truley by blessed with a new life!
I just wanted to add another post regarding my situation. I happily found out that on the 6th march 2011 I was again pregnant.
However once again I began bleeding and I miscarried on the 14th March.... my birthday. I was in denial for some weeks regarding this second consecutive loss as my home pregnancy tests were coming back positive still... however as a week or two pa__sed the lines grew fainer until they were all gone and showing as negative again.
Its only just hit me today properly, the odds of having one miscarriage is low and having two consecutive is even lower.
Now im scared that I will never be able to give birth to a beautiful baby boy or girl. I don't have friends due to my illness (M.E) as I never get to go out anymore, and I simply don't want to upset my parents (my only close family i have).
I find life in general difficult basically because at 25 I should still be able to go out and have fun with friends, and at least socialise. Nor can I work due to my illness and its almost as if my body actually hates me, as ever day I live in agonising pain and suffer from chronic fatigue and depression.... to top it off it seems to me after being pregnant twice and miscarrying twice that I cant even do the basic, most important, and the base meaning of life... to have children.
Ive lived by two simple rules in life and the one most relevant is "Never look forward to anything... that way you cant be disappointed". The heartbreak of these miscarriages are one of many proof of this to me. Im just scared that if I do get pregnant again.... that I will loose another baby.
I just don't really know what to do anymore and any comments would be greatly supportive.
Following up my prior post I went to the hospital today where they took 6 vials of blood and did an examination. The examination was fine with no problems.
I have to wait 2 months before I hear back with the blood results the hospital doctor also suspects a blood problem causing clots and miscarriages.
When I go back in two months for the results they will also give me an ultrasound to see the shape of my womb.
Until then it's a waiting game. I've been advised to try not get pregnant before my next appointment just in case the results do come back positive for blood disorders (Hughes syndrome) etc as starting treatment while pregnant will most likely cause future complications with the pregnancy. Starting treatment before pregnancy will not.
Fingers crossed I will get some answers in a couple months. I will keep you gals updated. Thank you for reading.
Hi I had my 2nd miscarriage on 29th April 2011 at 11 weeks and 5 days. My first m/c was on 14th August 2010 at 11 weeks. Both pregnancies felt completely different and so were the m/c's. In my first, I found myself spotting so went to check - and was told there was no heartbeat.. my body was in denial, it didnt discard anything.. at 11 weeks the fetus only measured 7.5 weeks and even after I found out about the m/c and waited for it to naturally pa__s - it didn't..after a week of only light bleeding I began my cramps but was still not bleeding heavily and by the third day of cramps, I was wheelchaired into the ER because my blood pressure was dropping and I needed a D&C. Bleeding stopped 4 days after the D&C and my periods were exactly on time after a month. I waited 5 periods and conceived on the day we planned...I felt more pregnant this time, left work to stay at home..felt the morning sickness all day and night,my tummy was growing like anything....but Friday morning I woke up to see blood on my PJ's...i kept telling myself it couldnt be but i saw the tiny body but no heartbeat ...this time, I started bleeding heavy from day two I was almost dead with the cramps but the clots that came were the ones to stop my was devastating and when I think of it now - it still week 3 I was still bleeding and it showed no signs of stopping so doctor recommended I have a D&C straight away ... it has been 2 weeks and 3 days since my D&C and I am still bleeding...the doctors have no answer as to why I'm still bleeding they did an U/S and say everything in there is clean yet I am still bleeding and there are little clots every time I use the bathroom...I don't know what to make of all this...the doctors say it's normal and that they have no answers to my's like i need to have private health insurance to get some time and words out of the doctor the public health sector they're all too busy trying to get to the next patient... I feel very lonely and there's a mix of emotions that change in seconds every now and then - i cannot tell what will make me cry or smile..when I see preg women I either cry or get very upset...soemtimes I want to scream so bad...I am at home and hubby has been the best that he could ever be,..yet I feel like I need someone to talk to..but funny how when my friends offer to come over I say no...i don't like going out specailly cause i dont want to look in the mirror..I have put on so much weight with the last 2 m/c..nothing fits me..i used to love reading books but i can't seem to turn to them now..i find myself watching m/c videos on youtube and reading these conversations on the net about m/c... desperately trying to find something ..but i don't know what...i want to have a baby soon but i'm too scared to go through it again...i'm just so tired..i dont want to do anything or think about anything anymore..