Types of Miscarriage

Pregnancy loss is far more common than we are made aware, and is often experienced in the form of a miscarriage. In fact, did you know that almost one quarter of all pregnancies end in miscarriage?  See our article entitled Miscarriage: An Overview for important miscarriage information. Find out about the symptoms of miscarriage and whether your symptoms could be a sign of trouble or a threatened miscarriage.  Learn when you should worry and call your doctor.  While not all miscarriages are preventable, sometimes early action can save the day.  Read up on signs of prenancy problems today.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancies, also known as tubal pregnancies, result in a pregnancy loss and can be extremely dangerous to the mother. An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo attaches itself outside of the uterus, often on the fallopian tubes.  As the pregnancy grows this can then cause the fallopian tubes to explode, causing severe pain and bleeding.  Learning the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may just save your life as you need to be treated before disaster happens.  Although ectopic pregnancies are traditionally treated through surgery, a new treatment method can help you avoid surgery and a hospital stay.  Find out more about your treatment options.  

Bleeding In Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can also be alarming. At worse, it may signify a molar pregnancy or a miscarriage. Another complication that is quite common and always ends in a miscarriage is a blighted ovum.  Find out more about these conditions: warning signs and symptoms, and learn what you should do if you are bleeding during your pregnancy.

Coping with any kind of pregnancy loss can be very traumatic and it takes time to recover, particularly if you've experienced multiple miscarriages.  Find out more about the causes of multiple miscarriage and about what it means for you if you have lost more than one pregnancy.  Many women who have suffered from multiple miscarriages may have a fertility problem.  Seeing a fertility specialist may be what you need to see a pregnancy to full term.  Start reading so that you will know when it is time to seek help and so that you can stop experiencing the loss of a miscarriage.

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