Periods After Miscarriage

318 Replies
Milly - May 3

Hi- this is my first time here and reading about other people in my situation is rea__suring! I m/c 38 days ago and haven't had a period since. Last night, I got a really, really light bleed and am just wondering if this is normal? i'm dying to start trying again, just want to get my period and get back to normal!


Ralhun - May 3

Dear yankeeseamstress Just to let you know I miscarried last year and it went on for months. After 8 weeks you should see a doctor, at least this is what I was told. It did finish in the end so keep your chin up. You must be almost there. It is possible that there is still something left behind so it is important you see a doctor. But apparently up to 8 weeks of bleeding can be normal.


Kathy Z. - May 3

Just called my OB's been 6 weeks since my m/c and no af...the nurse told me to wait until 8 wks before they would do anything. I'm going to call my fertility doc as well to get a 2nd opinion. The wait is driving me crazy!


amy - May 3

I had found at my 17wk appt. that the baby had no heartbeat and was measuring only 14wks3days I had a D&E one april 12th im hoping someone could help me understand how u can carry for 3wks and your body not know anything is wrong?my doc also told me to wait ttc for 3 periods! why? I cannt think of how that is possible after 41/2months of being pregnant to wait to conceive again! I havent had a period yet.Can I get pregnant now or do I have to have a period first?


lex - May 3

I had a d&c about 1 month ago. Is it normal to have heavy bleeding for my first period after the procedure?? A little worried.


jenni still awaiting period - May 4

i had a m/c two months ago and im still waiting for my period


crisy - May 4

Hi lex: I had a miscarriage a week and a half ago. I did not have a d&c but my friend did when she lost her baby. If you don't have too many clots it's normal for your period to be a bit more heavy than usual. Your body is repairing itself so you can become pregnant again. Try to rest as much as possible and take vitamins enriched with iron.


Elyse - May 4

I got my second period monday after m/c on 12 march 17 days after last which was quite light but this one is really very heavy. I hope i will get back a normal cycle soon, this is draining me i feel so tired.


Samantha - May 9

I had a d&c on March 25, 2005.. I got my first period April 2, 2005. It is now May 9, 2005 and I have not gotten a second period. Im not pregnant. Doc says my hormones are not balanced right and im not ovulating.. he claims it will take 2-4 months to begin ovulating again.. :(


kerry - May 12

i had a miscarriage in january, it took 5wks for my period to come back. since then i'm still not regular, 21days then 28days then 37days??? work that out. I guess it takes a while for the body to get back to normal....? Still waiting obviously to fall pregnant again...


J - May 12

I had a miscarriage and D&C in July...Had a 7 day period after D&C then mt doc put me on the pill! Then I had a normal period in august when I was supposed to... got taken off bc b/e ttc.... then I didnt have on again till November...then went back to the doc go put back on BC had a period in feb and March but now waiting to see if we are pg!! I hope so!!!


Erin - May 12

Mine came about 3 weeks after my MC but I went on the pill, directly after. Waiting for my firt to come was the hardest for me, it made me relive it all and have to aknowledge that my baby was really gone. I hope it comes soon for you, so you can stop waitting and move on. I think the normal is anywhere from 4-7 weeks. Hope that helps!


Jenn - May 12

I had a blighted ovum and had a D & C at my 11th week. I had heavy bleeding afterwards, but only bled for 5 days. I then had a period 22 days after that. Now I am waiting on my 2nd period and it has been 38 days since my last. I am worred about adhesions. I know my hormones might be messed up. What should I do?


Paula - May 14

Its been 8 weeks today since my miscarriage and D&C and I still haven't had a period. My doctor didn't seem too concerned, but suggested I got for a blood test if still no periods at 10 weeks. I'm not sure what they will be testing for??


Becky - May 14

I started 35 days after my miscarriage, and since then my next ones we're still 39 and 38 days apart. Hope this helps....Baby dust!~


wondering - May 14

I was 14 weeks pregnant, but the baby showed 12 weeks. I had a d&c April 27. I had a dark brown discharge for 2 days, then on May 4 I started bleeding like an actual period and am still bleeding (but the red blood has now turned to a brownish color). It has been 10 days of bleeding. Is this my period??? Also, we are wanting to try again... SOON, because we have heard of people getting pregnant immediately after a D&C, does anyone know about this??? Thanks



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