7 Weeks Late Still Negative Hpt S
786 Replies
Hi everyone. It has been 74 days since my last period. It was January the 18th. It was normal and I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and had a blood test and it came back negative. I feel really bloated and just feel so fat. Some of my clothes fit tight and I just have that PMS feeling like bla I'm fat. I don't know if I am pregnant or not. I really would like it if I am, but I doubt I am because of the negative test. I am supposed to go to the obgyn April 25th to see what's going on with me. So hopefully I will find some answers. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Wish I could give everyone answers, but I'm in the same boat!! Last AF was 13 Jan and I'm still getting negatives!! I've had blood done, urine, everything but an ultrasound. Good luck to all!!
Holygrail....have you found out anything yet? Curious, you and I are going through the same. My last AF was 13 Jan. Hope all is well.......
My las period started February 14th and ended around the 18th/19th. My cycle is usually 30 days, so therefore, I was expecting my period around the 21st of this month. However, its been 17 days and no period. I am not on any method of birth control, it's not common for my period to be more than 2 weeks late. However, I have had some cramping for about 2 weeks on and off. Everytime I feel the cramping, which is very slight and only lasts but a couple of minutes (usually no more than 5 mins.), I think my period is coming, and when I go to the bathroom - Nothing. Besides the slight cramps and missed period, I've had light headaches, which is also rare for me, also the last 5 days I've felt unusually warm, I've taken my temperature and for about 3 days, except for today for some reason, my temperature did not drop below 99.4 (It ranged from 99.4 to about 99.6). My stomach does feel queasy, partiuclarly at nights. My b___st are also sore (although the soreness seems to be more sever somedays than others), and they have rounded out more around the sides, my nipples have been sensitive also, and i feel my salivation has increased.. The only problem to this is that 6 days after my missed period (which would have started the 21st), I took a HPT and it came out negative. A week later or 13 days after my missed period, i took another HPT and it also came out negative. Any ideas as to what this can mean? Can it be a false negative? Or is all this in my head? I've thought about it that way, but these symptoms are pretty obvious. Should I wait longer to take another HPT? I would love to hear what you all have to say.. thank you so much for reading =) and good luck with yours.
Well it turns out I am not pregnant. I am still going to the obgyn on the 25th to find out why I am so wacko. I stopped the pill at the end of oct and had my period like on nov 6. I didn't have it again until Jan 18 so I thought it was back to normal by then and then from jan 18 to april 3 nothing. So is this just a temporary thing or am i all screwed up? It's funny that I don't get af until after I post about it. I mean I waited like 3 months to post anything about it and not even a week later I start. It's wierd. I'm sure I'll be back on here in a few months. Take care everyon
There's an yahoo group for women who think they are pregnant but are testing negative:
I am only 6 days late but I have 2 kids and I feel pregnant I took 4 tests 2 of which were actually expired and the rest were all neg I don't know what to do... I just plain out want to know it may still be to early but with my other pregnancies it was always so easy to test early I just don't want to get my hopes up but i think they might already be up
I am in the same boat as some of you on here. I have had 2 negative urine tests, and today a negative blood test...is it possible that its too soon. With my other two pregnancies, I never had postive until after 8 weeks!! I had a doctors appointment, she rushed up my ultrasound, she says same thing as me, nothing makes sense. All my blood work was good, my hormones ..... well one was alittle high and the other one was low.... and when its low women are normally pregnant, she told me pregnant women test ususally between .5 and 1 mine was 2 which had her puzzled??? Im not sure what hormone it was but needless to say she is just as confused as I am, it could be stress and anxiety she said but she doesnt think so!! Has anyone had any updates whether they have gotten any progress or answers from their doctor???? Im am so worried, I know my body, but why doesnt anything show postive
to: spoiledmommy... you didnt say how late your period is..from my experience i was 45 days late all neg's and blood was neg too from get go.. they've been known to be wrong the blood tests, but I would almost bet if you're only a few days late hold off 2 weeks , if no period re-do the blood test, but mine so far, have not lied(blood tests) frustrating I know..good luck keep us posted and try not to stress about it......megan
Oh sorry I thought I posted it....I am 2 months and a week late!! Its so frustrating!!!
Ladies, join the Yahoo group "Possibly pregnant but testing negative". http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/hcgfn
Lots of ladies there in the same boat.
mandy, did u try taking a bloodtest ? oh im 8 weeks late too, i plan to get my blood test done this monday.... lets hope things get some clarity !
hi to all...i know how all of you are feeling...i have 3 kids all of whom i did not get a positive urine or blood test until i was at least 10 weeks along...my 3rd child was finally found at 20 wks by ultrasound after being told by countless doctors and even one u/s tech that i was not pregnant. the u/s tech said i had a water cyst when i was infact 5 weeks pregnant. i think i am pregnant with my 4th and am not looking forward to all the docs thinking i am crazy again
Another day no period and it really stinks cause most of the symptoms for pregnancy are the same as when you are getting your period. Not like I care either way... A child is a blessing but I just want to know and i have no health insurance so I can't even go to the doctors so I am so very frustrated. I stopped taking the pill 2 months ago and had a period lastmonth but where is it this month and I don't want to scare my husband too much so I have been sort of keeping it to myself
Hello all! I am new to this board but I have been reading everyone's notes. Wow! My last af was march 28th (I have irregular cycles) and I have taken 3 hpt's and all were neg. I have felt nausea on and off, my nipples are a little sore and I've been bloated and very hungry. I had a little spotting earlier this month but that's all. Any thoughts?