HPTs Are Making Me Crasy Please HELP
3 Replies
| ttc - February 11 |
I take them but the positive faint line appears after many hours. What doers that mean??? I took them before but never experiences this. Please anyone
| ttc - February 11 |
And the faint line is still there!!!*******
those are probally evap. lines. it is only considered bfp if the lines appear within the time allotted. wait another week so your hcg hormone can build up and then it may be picked up on an hpt. if it still doesnt show up make an appt. with your dr. and ask for a blood test. they can find if you have an hcg in your blood i think its 8dpo. g/l!
| ttc - February 11 |
Christina, as far as I know the evapouration line dissapear does nor remain there. That is why I think positive ... or I might be wrong. What are evap. line exactly, do you know?