I'm excited. I've been looking and looking for information on hcg levels. I finally found some information that may explain why some people don't have any detectable hcg in their urine or blood. First here is the link:
This is basically what it is saying. A urine and test and blood test works by using different atibioties that react to the hcg in the body. The tests vary and use different antibioty binding sites. But the problem is that some hcg in "nicked or damaged" and the antibiody of the test does not respond to that hcg component.
This website gives me a better understanding of it all. I think that sometimes our bodies produce a type of hcg that does not respond to the antibiodies in the tests. I think we have to producte hcg to have a normal pregnancy and that's why I couldn't understand why some people were months pregnant getting normal results. They were and are producing hcg, it's just not detectable by todays tests. This seems to be more and more common. You know how regular antibioties will loose their effectiveness after we've over used them? This is what I think is happening with the pg tests. The antibioties on the tests are loosing their effectiviness to detect hcg or maybe some of us just produce different types of hcg.
I'm not scientist and no genius, but when something piques my interest I really start wondering. I just thought this might help some of you that's also looking for answers.
Read the link. Very interesting. Try searching for nicked or damaged hcg and see if you can find anything else out on the topic. Print the results out, take them to your dr and ask for an ultrasound! :-)
And I found the other website that had the information I was telling you that said that if beta-hcg (blood test) is negative that does NOT mean the patient in not pregnant. It said that some patients could go to full-term and still not detectable HCG levels. Here is the link for it:
The info I was talking about is on page 2 (word doc_ment) where it has a sub-heading HCG:
Just trying to help others find info. If anyone else has any info to share I'd love to hear it!
Thanks Faith!!!! I'm going to the site now.
Hi Faith, with the second site, it would come up. I was wonder can you tell me more about pregnant women with no detectable hormones?? Thanks
That's all I found so far. I'm sorry you couldn't get the second site to come up. You think maybe you typed it in wrong. I'll post the link again by itself right behind this post. I'm gonna do some more research though.
Okay, I guess that link doesn't work. But try this. This is exactly what I put in my search box on yahoo.com (go to www.yahoo.com) and put in this HCG REPRESSED IN THE 8TH MONTH IN UTERO
it was the first one to come in the search. I hope you can find it, it's excellent to print and take with you to the dr.
Thanks, Faith! I am trying to convince already 3 doctors that I am pg, but these days doctors don't believe your instinkts, they believe tests and only tests. When I am telling them what I feel, it's like I am talking to the wall. Why they do that???? TESTS WILL SHOW EVERYTHING. I am sick and tired of those words. I printed all the articles you provided, and next time I am going to doctor I am showing them that. I want just simple answers, which doctors so far can't give it to me. I wish I lived in some uncivilized place, like desert island with no doctors, and follow only my instincts. I would be more peaceful, and enjoy my pregnancy.
Site helped a lot. Faith, can you tell me how about all other tests? My GYN took some other tests for hormons, and all of them came out very normal, so can you tell by others hormon's tests if you are pg or not?
Girls read this site. It's a lot of info here, you can show to your doctor, and ask explanaition