Pregnancy Test And A Possiblity Of A False Negative
4 Replies
My wife is a few days late on her period. She took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came back negative. She has signs that her period is coming, lower back cramps and stuff like that. She is usualy pretty regular with her period however. We took the test only a day after she was supposed to get it and I am wondering if she may be pregnant. A week after possible conception, she was tired & crabby, but only for a short period of time. She is 33 years old. I am a man and there aren't many resources for getting my questions answered. I really want to start a family and I just need a little help from experienced people on this topic. Any help would be great!
It can take 14 days or more for the pregnancy hormone level to reach a level that can be detected by a home pregnancy test. The rule of thumb is to test once aweek until a positive result, or the start of a normal period. A period that is light and/or short can be a sign of pregnancy. if you don't want to wait so long, you can request a blood test from her doctor. Blood tests are more sensitive and can give positive results much sooner, usually just after conception. Hope this helps. Your wife does have pregnancy symptoms. Good luck.
I didn't show up postive until three weeks after my period was due. Women produce different amounts of hcg, so tests will show up positive later on some women than others. If she still doesn't get her period, try again in a few days. Good luck.
Thank you ladies very much. This is an exciting time, but it is also a confusing one. We want to begin our family and would just really like to know one way or another. You all have been very helpful and I will keep you posted. Good luck in your situations as well.