Period A Week Late But Negative Pregnancy Test
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I'm tried of waiting for my AF, so I took a pregnancy test. I was told that first response pregnancy test is very accurate, so I took it, turns out it's negative. AF been 5 days late, I thought I could be pregnant, but no sore b___st, only feeling very tried, gets hungry more often, and peeing a lot. I never am this late b4. My husband and I would love to have a child by now, but it's now happening, we're very disappointed of the negative test result. If I'm not pregnant, I hope my AF would just come so I can have a peace of mind. Thanks for reading, I just want to get it out of my chest.
I am currently 5 days late, with all pregnancy symptons, negative clearblue pregnancy test. My second child came back as a negative and Doctor tried to convince me I was not pregnant, told me I was imagining it. At 12 weeks they finally gave in and sent me for an ultrasound, and there he was. You know your own body.
exactly the same with me , never been late before but am week late although 3 tests over the last week say negative
hey, I am a week late, which never happens, so frustrating! I feel like my period is about to start cramps and achey legs, but nothing! I have taken a test today, which was negative. Its all pretty stressful, dont know whats going on with my body! Just wanted to get it off my chest!
| cla - October 19 |
hey, I am a week late, which never happens, so frustrating! I feel like my period is about to start cramps and achey legs, but nothing! I have taken a test today, which was negative. Its all pretty stressful, dont know whats going on with my body! Just wanted to get it off my chest!
Hi, it's me again. Today is my 6 days late of AF. Last night I took the first response HPT and it's negative, AGAIN. Very disappointed AGAIN, so my husband and I went to bed early. I dreamed that I took 2 HPT with the morning urine and it's positive. So this morning after I woke up, I thought what the hack, lets give it a try. I wasn't giving it too much hope, since I just tested with first response last night, which was suppose to detect any HCG 5 days b4 AF. Amazingly it's showed up 2 lines, but kinda light. So I guess it's best to test it with the first morning urine. Eventhough it's kinda light positive result, it gives my husband and I hopes back. But just of now, I notice some brown spots on the toilet tissue paper. That's kinda shock me a little, does anyone know if that's normal, or should I be concern about the brown stuff. Any response will be thankful.
i am five weeks late and i have tested hpt but it is coming out negative and i am also having spotting ..........i am having irregular period.i am having cramps,lower abdomen pain, headache..........can any1 help with similar situation.?i am having an appointment with my doctor on 23rd
Yesterday morning I had a positive HPT and this morning I have a negative HPT, with some brown spotting, why's that? Does that mean I have a false positive result?
Hi Tera, I have the same problem happening to me. From what I've researched, it's normal for this to happen. This has been happening to me for the past 6 months or so. It's very bothersome, but if you haven't gotten "it" yet, I'd go see a doctor.
Same problem here,tomorrow will be 9 days late for me, ive taken about 10 test all say negative. I seen the doc yesterday and tok a HCG count ger results back wed ill kepp all posted. Baby dust for all! fingers are crossed it comes back POS
My period is 5 days late and I have weird stomach cramps, like I'm on my period. I also have had frequent headaches and have been in the weirdest moods, and also major mood swings. Im not on BC but we use condoms, not trying for a baby but I really want one :P I havent taken a test yet, should I?
Im also getting the back aches, and extreme tiredness, going to sleep at 8pm, having to wake up for work next morning but finding it really difficult to get out of bed
| zoe - October 26 |
hi katie yeah i would take a test, i was 8 days late and finally came on had like 5 tests all neg i really want to hve a baby but this month im not letting it play on my mind as i mite jinx it! so baby dust to u and to everyone good luck let us kno
I'm too scared to take the test incase it's negative lol...I'll wait it out a few more days...
well ladys i got my HCG test back today it was a 2 . Now that brings me to more questions, today i am feeling more pregnate then i have been i am 9 days late as of today could i still be in earily pregnancy with a blood and HCG count being neg? i had a friend that told me she was a week late and she tested neg with a 2 count of HCG . she went back 1 week later and it was a 7 pos So there is a chance. Is there anyone that is going threw this that can help me understand whats going on? I still believe i could be pregnate just not showing up yet? please HElP anyone,
baby dust to all . still praying for a pos soon
I'm also 8 days late. I've been off birth control for about 6 months now and although I have a long cylce (35 days) I've been consistent and gotten my period every 5th week always on a wed. My husband and I are not "trying" so he pulls out now that I'm off the pill. Has anyone ever gotten pregnant using this method? I know it's possible. I don't really have too many other symptoms, (a few headaches and occasional pain in one b___st) but I don't have my usual PMS symptoms either. I've taken 3 tests over the past week, the last one being this morning, and they all came up negative. I talked to a nurse at my OBGYN and they said to wait one more week before testing again. Can anyone give me any advice? Now I'm hoping I am pregnant!