dhad s_xual intercourse without any contraception but using the withdrawel method on 21st feb used clear blue urine pregnancy test on 23rd feb results came through possitive is this accurate or to early to tell
It could be that you were already pregnant and did not know it. Did you have unprotected s_x in the month before? Are you sure he "pulled" out in enough time?
If you had s_x on the 21st and took a test on the 23rd, it is too soon to tell if you had gotten pregnant on the 21st the test would have read negitive. My guess is that you had to have already been pregnant and just didnt know it yet. go see a dr. and they'll let you know how far along you are. Congradulations and best of luck!
Yeah, I really do think that you were already pregnant. Find out the first day of your last period. Count 14 days from that date and that should tell you when you concieved. Then, think back when you had unprotected s_x at that time, and that should tell you when you got pregnant. Please keep us posted and good luck.