4 Replies
Question: Okay, I was 12dpo yesturday and I notice some brown,pink and streaks of red discharge. It started yesturday afternoon. It only happens when I wipe, and not all the time. AF should arrive on Sat. (I'm always 28 days) but I'm also on progest. oil. As far as I know and what my girlfriends told me, prog. is suppose to keep your period back. If this is a period why am I getting this so early? I have just completed IUI 12 days ago. I'm hoping it's implantation, but not sure. Has anyone had this happen to them. Has anyone become pregnent...after this sort of bleeding?...Help
I took Prometrium pills while ttc and it never held my period back...as far as implantation, I did experience it about 10 days past O. I felt crampy one night and noticed pink on the tissue...thought it was AF coming, cramps went away, pink never appeared again...BFP 3 days later.
tryingx3, thanks so much for your response. Did you concieve naturally? And can you remember the texture of this pink blood you had during your implantation....thanks so much!!!!!
Yes, natural. Really no texture...wiped after going to bathroom and tissue was wet (like urine wet)...but had pink tint. I was in our 1/2 bath (small) that is painted red and I decided I was seeing things! I felt crampy for about an hour then fine after that. I really thought AF was coming early.