Negative HPTS But Soemthig Is Not Right
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I had a miscarriage in Feb 06 at 5 weeks. after that my cycles have been very long, 34, 35 days. I have tried to use the OPK'S but they are so hard to understand. I was supposed to have my period on the 10 of june, instead, I started spotting on the 5th, very light spotting for 3 days, then some more spotting for 2 days. Nauseaus, heartburn,dizziness,conctipation, smell increase, amd br___t soreness, a lot of PMS amd a c__ppy humor. I did 2 HPT, both negative. I was thinking thta since I was having such long cycles, now that it was early it is just going back to normal. but why would I start spotting again a little today. could I still be pregnant and not even know it?????