Progesterone And Pregnancy Please Help
7 Replies
Well, it turns out I'm pregnant again... and I have lots of fibroids. I'm so scared that this will end in another miscarriage. I've read so much these last few days that my head is spinning. Some studies show that progesterone reduces fibroids and can help a woman from miscarrying... sounds good to me. But there's also studies that say pregnant women should not take progesterone. Help! Has anyone here had any experience with progesterone???
| Val - October 12 |
Hi Deborah - I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm curious as well. Are you currently taking progesterone? I'm 7 weeks, 4 days and started progesterone right after ovulation after having a low result on a test. And at an ultrasound earlier this week, the doctor noticed a fibroid. Several people have told me not to worry about the fibroid, but it's hard not to! Good luck to you...
I took a suppository form of progesterone during my last pregnancy - through week 13. I have a perfect little girl who is almost 4wks old. Good luck to you. No experience with fibroids. I also took Prometrium (pill form) during 2 previous pregnancies that ended in miscarriage - NOT due to Prometrium. I switched to suppository form due to allergic reaction I had to Prometrium (itchy throat!).
Thanks for the replies... I have to see my family doctor again tomorrow and hopefully can get into see a specialist soon, as he won't do anything with regards to progesterone... still not sure I want to take it though... read another thread on a different site about this woman who had 3 children... one was normal and the other two had problems... the two with the problems, she took progesterone for. I'm not trying to second guess anyone's doctor or to scare anyone already on it... I just wish I could find some definitive answers, but it seems to be quite controversial. Thanks for the well wishes. I've got my fingers crossed that this time it works out, but after my ultrasound today, I'm so bummed out and can't believe I'm setting myself up for another fall. Still, hubby says to stay positive, as we're not sure the fibroids were the cause of the last miscarriage. Thanks again!
progesterone is a naturally occuring hormone in a woman. It is produced by the body after ovulation and is needed to maintain a developing pregnancy until the placenta is able to take over and produce the needed hormones. (generally around 13 weeks)
Progesterone is safe! . If it will help you maintain your pregnancy (if that is what you truely want) then there should be no qustion.
progesterone helped me, I was on 600 mg per day until my 13th week. Just ask your doctor for it, it really cannot hurt you at all. I havr all kinds of other problems, but I've heard of it helping other women. Just ask for it.
deborah- i agree with happygal! i am 37 and 23 wks preg with #1. my dr. checked my progesterone early on and i took prometrium at first once daily and then 2x daily (400 mg) through week 13. all is going well for me. i had one previous pregnancy that ended in miscarriage- so my progeterone level was checked asap this time. i was freaked out too by all the literature that i read about not taking prometrium while pregnant (i think the pharmacist even said something), but i believe that it really helped me through my first trimester. now i have an active baby boy kicking me to remind me of the benefits of progesterone. best to you deborah.
I haven't been on here in a while... thanks for the posts girls, I'm trying to stay positive. I don't get in to see the specialist until November 9th, but he told my family doctor to put me on progesterone suppositories right away. I am now almost 7 weeks along, and have felt so tired and awful. I have no energy, I feel sick to my stomach almost all the time, and possibly because of my fibroids, I feel so "heavy" and weighed down all the time. I've still got my fingers crossed, but I think there's just too many fibroids for me to carry this baby to term. I'm hoping the specialist will give me some good news when I see him. Starting over at 41... I sometimes think I'm crazy. I have a wonderful son who's almost 15... so whatever happens, I was truly blessed when he came into my life. Thanks again to all.