November Mommies Thread Starting 6 18
71 Replies
Interesting developement...yesterday morninging I weighed 1_5, last night I stepped on the scale 1_9. Ok fairly normal...this pm stepped ont he scale 1_2.5, a total gain from yesterday morning of 7.5 pounds. I have not eaten much today as I am still feeling ill. My fingers and feet are pretty swollen so I know it is water retention...but holy moly. I hope this isn't the beginning of me becoming pre eclamptic (again) Definately going to need to watch that!
Hi everyone, I had my 20 week u/s today. It's a BOY!!! The tech showed us his s____m and p___s were clearly visible from every angle. More importantly and all I really wanted to see was a strong heartbeat, 2 healthy looking arms, 2 hands, 2 legs and 2 feet but we saw so much more. DH and I were both very excited and fascinated with everything we saw on screen. I had no idea how much detail they would be measuring--I was in there with a full bladder for 45 minutes but I quickly forgot about how full my bladder felt. Baby seemed to be playing a game where he'd touch his toes to his mouth then stretch out his legs straight up and over his head. I had no idea they don't measure crown to rump length at this stage anymore. Something I learned today, the u/s tech told me that they measure circ_mference of abdomen, legs and head instead to get an approximate date and weight/length which turned out to be approx. 15 oz and approx 7 inches (or did she say 9) --whatever it was she said he was "beefy". Among various measurements, she also measured the nuchal fold (as opposed to the nuchal translucency or fluid at my 13 weeks) she said 6 mm was an indicator of Down syndrome and ours was more in the 3 mm range so, good. It was a very good u/s and unless I decide to do a 3D which I probably won't I probably won't see him again until he's born but I'm sure that since he likes to suck his toes and stretch out his legs so much that I'll be feeling him even stronger as the days roll on.****Christa: omigosh ER and two shots--ouch! Sorry to hear the Z-pak was not good enough. I hope this is the end of your cold and infection.
Perl~Congratulations on your exciting news of a baby BOY! Also, so happy to hear of the great ultrasound and your informative results! Looks like clear sailing from here on in..All the best to you! Kristin
CHRISTA~That is an awful lot of weight to gain in one day. Please give your doctor a call. I hope you are not becoming preeclamptic this early either, but better to check it out and keep them on top of it just in case. Are you sure your scale is correct? PERL~Congratulations on your precious baby boy and the ultrasound results!! What fantastic news!! It's amazing what they are doing all day and night in there. I can't believe that you still have to drink all that water for your ultrasound. I didn't have to drink any. Maybe we have different machines? I don't know, but I loved not having to drink that water boy!!! LOL. I'm so happy for you. Well, today is going to be sunny and 80 and I'm taking this fat a__s and my son. LOL. to my mom and dad's pool today to hang! Have a super day everyone!! XO
Perl...congrats on the BOY! Boys are so much fun...and busy busy too! LOL, you'll feel like a kid again yourself...LOL. .................................................I seem to have lost (or should I say pee'd) out 4.5 pounds over night. I am still a bit bloated and I will keep an eye on it over the weekend and then call the Dr. Blood pressure was great yesterday and I will be checking it again frequently over the weekend too. It would really suck if I become preeclamptic this early. I am hoping it is just all the meds and everything throwing everything off. Time will tell. Take care...
Gosh Christa, I wasn't totally sure what preeclampsia was so I just looked it up-yikes! I hope that's not what the problem is--I hope it's just a faulty scale. I know I fluctuate up or down about 2-3 pounds from one day to the next but 7.5 pounds seems like a bit too much difference. It's good that you're keeping a watchful eye though by checking your weight and your blood pressure. **** Thanks Kristin, Mel and Christa. Mel, the odd thing about filling my bladder is that the u/s tech did 45 minutes with a full bladder then another 5 minutes or so with an empty bladder. When we saw that the images looked the same on an empty bladder, my husband challenged her and asked her why I needed to go through the discomfort of a full bladder. She said that sometimes the images are slightly more crisp and clear with a full bladder and sometimes not so she just asks every woman to fill her bladder beforehand just in case. In my case it seemed totally unnecessary but in the end it may help the radiologist who ends up looking at my u/s images. : [ Mel have fun in the sun, I envy your 80 degrees that's perfect temp--97 here, hot but I'll take it since it was 106 last weekend.
thanks girls...sad to say the scale is right on :( ..........I had my mom bring over her BP machine...pressure is 120/70's so doing great there. It probably is just all the meds and the cold/flu/bronchitis stuff throwing everything off. Let us hope anyway.
Has anybody noticed that they get out of breath alot easier lately than before? Thanks! XO
YES, YES YES!!! Just a few days ago I lost my breath just by walking from my car to the movie theater. Granted it was 106 degrees and suffocating and I had just finished eating but I felt horrible. And it's freaking me out because sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's the onset of asthma or just the pregnancy squeezing on my lungs. Most of the time I'm sure it's not asthma but I'm dreading what I'll feel like when I'm much bigger than I am now.
I have been short of breath for 2 wks now...LOL. But yes, I am getting winded much sooner when walking etc...Also...I am back down to the weight I was a few days ago. Bloating all gone! Have a great weekend ladies
New symptom today: itchy belly and cleavage. I'm hoping it's just a reaction to the new belly b___ter I started using a couple of days ago and I stopped using it just in case. I'm just using cocoa b___ter in the am and olive oil in the pm like I have been for a while. But I wonder, is this was skin feels like when it's starting to stretch?
Christa---good to hear the weight gain has stopped. You're probably right about it being your body's response to the illness and meds. I hope next week is a much better one for you!
woohoo! FREE ULTRA SOUND for me!
Just got an e-mail from one of the sister hospitals requesting pregnant volunteers to do some OB U/S training. I am signed up. Anyone here in Phoenix? Let me know and I will gve you the number but you have to be atleast 20 weeks by August
hey gals. Glad to hear things are coming along nicely. I need some advice. My NT results came back very positive (as in good, although I didnt have much faith in that technician :)) and I therefore decided to not have an early u/s (for pay), and now I just got the results of the AFP which I took a week ago or so - 18w4d and they said that acc to my age chances of kid with downs is 1 in 266 (I am 36) and with the results the chances are 1 in 364. I know with my daughter 6 years ago it was 1 in 10000 and with my son 3 years ago it was 1 in 1500 (and I remember freaking out about that). This time my doctor is concerned and wants me to go to a geneticist. I am not sure what the point is, since only under very small circ_mstances will I consider taking an amnio, since the chances of mc with the amnio are greater than my chances of unhealthy child. However, I am not supposed to wait until at least 21 weeks for this later u/s so I have been calling around to see if I can get some private appts and they either cost $500 or have no spots! What would you guys think? I know this test causes this issue and prob shouldnt have taken it, but meanwhile its been a pretty rotten last few days... and I finally just started feeling some movement since 19weeks.
what should I do? thanks!
| is my $.02 worth.
1. Those odds are still not that bad and an AFP can have lots of false positives, especially at our age AND it you are even slightly off on dates...2. If you get into the genetisist, they will probably get you an U/S right away...and you are always able to refuse amnio. I still think your chances of a healthy baby are very good. But good luck on your tough decision.
Hey Ladies hope all is well with each of you. I bet you guys are wondering what happened to me. Well i'm doing fine and my baby girl is doing well i go to the doctor on thursday . My feet and hands have been swelling some in the evening maybe because it's so hot here but other than that my pregnancy is going well. Can you all beleive we all are going into or 6month of pregnancy. I'm so excited and i've started shopping i enjoy shopping for baby clothes. Well i'll chat with you all later!!!!