| my7 - January 19 |
Hi everyone,
I am 41 yo and 21 weeks along with my seventh child. I had an u/s at 18 weeks and was told the nuchal fold measurement was 6 (is it mm?) and that the high side of normal is 5. I was told it could mean a baby with DS, a heart defect, both, or nothing. I did not do any of the blood tests. Has anyone else had experience with this? Thanks so much.
Hi My7, (wow 7!) I was under the impression they measure this at 12-14 weeks along with a triple screening blood test... At 18 weeks I thought the variance of normal would be much greater and therefore more difficult to predict an "abnormality"...? What did dr. recommend...? Are you going for an amnio? xx
| my7 - January 19 |
Hi lunamoo, I was under the same impression. When I had an u/s at 13 weeks and they tried to get the measurement the baby would not put itself in the correct position. The doctor told me there was a range of 'normal' for the first trimester up to 14 weeks and another range of 'normal' for the second trimester up to 20 weeks. They scheduled me for an echocardiogram for the baby in mid Feb. because of the measurement and the chance of a heart problem. Now past 20 weeks they said I am too late for an amnio but I am quite sure I wouldn't have opted for one anyway. The limb measurements of the baby were in the normal range for my number of weeks. Thanks for your reply!
Hi my7, An amnio can be done anytime during pregnancy, but if you would not opt for it anyway, then I certainally understand. At my 20 u/s I was told my baby was measuring 2 weeks behind and that the head circ_mference was just below the 5th percentile. My midwife and (now new) dr. were concerned at first because they thought something might be wrong with the placenta which might lead to IUGR. But a followup u/s showed that placental was all fine and that the measurements were within the "norm" just on the small end. So they were pleased and not worried. I on the otherhand freaked out. (I am now 30 weeks.) My former dr. did another u/s at 21 weeks and said it might be a chromosonal defect and recommended an amnio. So I had 2 totally different opinions. My MW said as long as the baby stays on a curve and keeps growing there is nothing to worry about and that if a baby is 2.5 kgs or 5.5 pounds that that is with in the norm as well and not to worry. Plus she said that since there were no other signs or "markers" to indicate anything is wrong not to worry. Well I opted to have a positive att_tude and hope that baby would keep growing. I had another u/s at 29 weeks and all is well, head got a bit bigger and it looks like she is about the 10-40th percentile in all the measurements. Anyway my point being u/s can end up finding problems and it can end up causing problems and worry for nothing. If your dr. does not have any other reason to suspect DS or anything else...then perhaps there is no reason to worry. Of course I know, much easier said than done. I still have my days where I feel sick with worry, but thank god those are becoming less and less. What is an echocardiogram? xx
Hi My7- I am almost 20 weeks and got the same results. She measured 4 times and it varied between .57 and .62. She told us .6 was the magic number for DS. We also opted to skip all the blood tests and invasive tests. We are having an echo cardiogram (I think thats what they called it) of the baby's heart to check for defects. Our doctor said she can't say either way if something is wrong or not. It's a little frustrating but we will love this baby no matter what!
sorry the measurements could be 5.7 - 6.2 with the cutoff being 6. ( my brain went a little fuzzy when the doctor said abnormalites)