What's the oldest a woman can get pregnant for the first time?
Do you mean naturally, or with fertility treatments? I'm almost 45 and am more fertile than when I was younger.
| CC - June 16 |
I had my son 16 yrs ago with no problem and now I am 44 yrs old and got pregnant on our first try naturally. I thnk everyone is different, but always check with your Dr.
Kim..are you more fertile now, naturally? I mean without treatment. Do you feel you could still have a baby 'no problem'? To CC..Wow, congrats!! First try and all seems well? That's really great.
| CC - June 17 |
Wendy, I went to the Dr. and did blood work, physical, whatever was necessary to make sure I was in good health before we even tried. My husband & I decided ahead of time, if we got pregnant, what tests I wanted or not, and how we would handle the major decisions. I have friends 10 yrs younger than myself having trouble and friends in early 40's no problem. Who is to say, but go get tests done and talk to a Dr. We gave ourselves 6 mths and than we were going to let it go for good. We decided we didn't want to do Fertility treatments. I am doing an amnio in 2wks and doing another sonogram on Thursday. I am realistic about my risks and did alot of reading before trying and had many conversations with my husband about the "what if's". I really believe that whatever a woman decides is the perfect decision for her life and just trust it.
I got pregnant first time when I was 41 and gave birth to a very healthy baby when I was 42. No Fertility drugs what so ever, I don't believe in them. I was on The Pill, went off the pill and within that month got pregnant. The Dr. told me I am very healthy and have good gens and that's why. I believe everybody is just different, and that's how life is, we have to accept what we have and be grateful. I agree with Wendy who wrote in the box above this one. Best of luck to you. Cheers.
to kim...that is wonderful news, congrats!!! Kim, how do you know you are more fertile now than when you were younger??? I am 44 and trying...
I am 41. I have had 2nd miscarrage today after 8 weeks. I am looking for support as well as advice how to care for it. The first pregnancy and also miscarried was in March 2005. Both were naturally conceived. 10 years ago, I tried with Clomid, pergonal and ins____nation but none was a success. I am devastate but at the same time I am hopeful for the next chance.
To Chi, i feel your pain as i have had 2 miscarriages both within the first 6 weeks-both conceived naturally. The first was a complete surprise as i had all symptoms and my testing was fine. Then, surprise it was over. My second was four months later (after waiting 3 cycles). This time the numbers were not there-so the surprise was not so painful, though it was hard. Right now i am in the beginning stages of my third pg and though all looked great in the beginning right now i am spotting etc. My dr. says what will be will be. Like you i feel a great sense of loss however i too am going to continue trying until i can no longer. My advise to you and anyone who has been through more than one miscarriage is the following: meditate, pray, write-do whatever you need to expel all the painful feelings you have; protect yourself-after my first m/c my experience with my fertile family was so negative that i refuse to mention my status with anyone until my baby is well developed (In fact my 2nd m/c was easier on my husband and i to handle as we did not have the "kind" interest of family and friends); research information-the feeling of being helpless made me fearful so i gained comfort by learning more about how the process works so i would stop blaming myself; nurture your body-i started taking up light exercise, juicing, eating organic foods, gave husband vitamins, stopped cleaning with toxics, avoided stress, rested. Chi, these are all things i did to build up my body after the first 2 m/c and i think that is what a__sisted my body in recovering quickly and allowing me to get pregnant again without artificial stimulants (as dr. suggested). I know that right now you are in pain however you need to prepare yourself for the next round. I am in my 3rd not sure what will happen now though i am sure that i will continue to pursue good health to insure that when that healthy egg meets that healthy sperm my body does its part. G-d Bless you.
I am 41,, almost sure I was pregnant and so did the doc,, will be back to see her on monday, I am getting what is a light like period and still have preg symptoms,,,,, as we have been trying for 10 years and after fertility treatments I gave up this would be a complete miracle,,,,,,I am praying that i am but will be devastated if not....would apreciate support
To Roxanne in the box above this one. Please, please let us know how it turned out either way. I know someobody in the same situation as you and she finally decided to adopt a child from China. She just came back recently, and though there are lots of rules to follow, I understand she is doing nicely.
I am 45 years old and have been trying to conceive for a year. I use to jog a couple of miles a day, but have since stopped because I am worried this will prevent me from conceiving?
Hello, all, I will turn 40 in a couple of months and also worried tremendously if I couldn't conceive as I heard it gets more difficult after 35. It took us 2 monts and I am now pregnant and pray that I don't lose this baby. This is my first pregnancy and all of this is totally new to me. I hope for all of you that want babies to have them as you will all be wonderful mothers
i had my first child at 40. healthy, happy and worth the wait! relax and enjoy feeling your baby grow inside of you. it will be scarey until you start feeling your little one moving around!! i hope for the best for you.