18 Weeks Amp Lopsided Belly Is This Normal
3 Replies
| E - October 25 |
I was lying flat on my back and belly is completely lopsided. Is this due to the position of the baby? Is the baby's head the larger, harder part of the belly? Thanks:)
| S - November 16 |
I am 20 weeks, and notice the same thing. When I lay flat on my back, my stomach feels hard sometimes and it is lopsided, like the bump is mainly on the right side. Is this normal?
Ladies this is completely normal...It depends on the post_tion of the baby is all...and yes the head would be the biggest part yet...the body will be catching up very soon...good luck
I am 15 weeks and notice the same thing when I lay flat on my back - the bump is on the right side...I am imagining getting bigger and having my stomach protrude to the right:( I hope it starts growing in the middle!! It is good to know that others are experiencing the same thing.