21 Weeks Pregnant And Feel No Baby Movements
7 Replies
Hi all, I am 21 weeks pregnant. I am yet not able to feel baby movements. Can somebody help me? I am not sure what to feel ?
Hi, sometimes women do not start feeling their baby move until about 22 weeks, especially if this is ur first pregnancy. The movement feels like little flutters in ur tummy or even a little poke. Sometimes drinking a gla__s of milk or orange juice stimulates the baby to move because of the rush of nutrients. If u r really worried then call ur doc, I am sure they can figure it out for ya. :)
I didn't really feel them with my first until after 21 weeks or so from what I remember. All I can say is the first time I felt it, I knew what it was. You will know. It will take you by surprise and it's so cool! I remember feeling a big movement for the first time in the middle of the night and it woke me up. It's strange, but very, very cool! No worries, you'll feel them soon enough.
Hey there Anuradhakh,
I am 19 weeks and 1 day and have only felt a few movements - and I am not even sure if they where movements haha - like you I didnt know what to expect - but like the other ladies said some people dont feel movements till later. I was a bit stressed about it but I have my scan tomorrow so hopefully it will put my mind at rest - If you are really worried I agree with Mari26me that you should speak to your doc - :) x
I was 20 weeks when I srarted to feel my baby but some can take as long as 24 weeks. Even me starting to feel her at 20 weeks it wasnt till 22 or 23 weeks when i really started feeling her regularily so you will feel your baby soon I know your anxious to feel him or her but you will soon enough!
Oh and if it helps, I didnt feel any flutters or b___terfly's like most women describe for me it felt more like little muscle spasms, and they were VERY light, i had to really pay atention at first so just pay attention to any little feelings you are getting in your stomach
It can also depend on the way your placenta is laying. My doctor said I didn't feel them very much or very strong because it was positioned in such a way that it was almost acting as a cushion against the kicks.
I felt my first at 23 weeks, so don't worry, you'll know when it happens!