Boy Or Girl -pg111453640618
5 Replies
My fiance and I are able to find out the s_x of our baby at our next visit if we so choose. He doens't want to know, I do. He doesn't care if I find out, but I'm torn. Part of me wants to find out together, part of me wants to know now. What do you think?
My husband and I were the same way. We decided not to, just because we were not 100% sure if we wanted to know, and my husband was more on the no side, where I kinda wanted to, but I am glad that we didn't find out. It will be a nice suprise in the delivery room. Good luck with your decision
I went through the same thing. I figured since the technology was there, why not. I told the tech. before hand that he didn't want to know so before she was about to tell he left the room and she told me it was a girl and he came back in. We knew that in the end, he wouldn't be able to stand it but for now I am having lots of fun with it.
its the same with my partner and I, i want to know, her doesn't. everyone has been saying its a boy because of the shape of my tummy, but i so want a girl, so I'm can't wait for my next scan at least then I can deal with not getting a girl if its actually a boy.
I don't want to know. I convinced my hubby, now he want's it to be a suprise too!!!
We found out the gender the day our children were born. It was so much fun being surprised. We'll never forget it!