FREAKING OUT Pg1250513040
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Hey I'm expecting my 5th baby Dec 20th, This will be my 5th C.Section. I have 2 girls and my son Caleb died 27th May 08 when he was 7.5 months old. He was born with a mult_tude of problems and the Genetics doctors can't tell us for sure if it could happen again or if something just went wrong at conception. He never a a name as such for his condition just a list of problems, He had heart problems- ASD, VSD and a PDA. He had poor muscle tone so he couldn't lift his head or cough to clear his chest, He had surgery when he was 5 days old to repair duodenal atresia which is more common in Babies born with Downs syndrome but his Chromosone test was normal. I was susposed to have amniocentsis on July7th but the Doc said that if I had another child with the same problems as Caleb it won't show up on the test cos my sons chromosones were all normal. I found out that i was having a boy so now I am totally freaking out. Was just wondering if there is anyone in the same sort of situation and how you are coping
sorry meant I have 3 girls