July Mommies Chapter 2 Part 9
2 Replies
Here we go again.... Countdown to 3rd Tri!!
Morning all :0) I figured we needed to start another thread, and you know I'm always up and at it first (not by choice). Well - I'm still swelled up and it's gettin even worse now, my legs and ankles don't really even go down at nite anymore - and my fingers are starting to do the same. I swear I hate feeling this way, I feel like I have arthritis or something because my joints ache horribly from the fluid. Guess I'm going to call doc today and see what they suggest. Stef - I noticed too when using the doppler now that the baby does tend to hate it! I read somewhere that it sounds like a helicopter overhead to them - how they know that I don't know! Even at the Dr's last week the nurse had a time getting the baby to stay still long enough to get a hb count.The baby can hear now - so maybe that's the reason for the increase in heartrate? Tina - I'm glad all was well with you & Megan. I'd love to see the u/s pics when you get it done, you'll have to post them on your piczo. Hope everyone has a good day and I will check back in with you ladies later.
Hey, I'll start a new one...no worries! copy paste your stuff to it!