I am 21 weeks and i started feeling the baby kick at 19 weeks, i have only felt it kick on my left side though. Is that normal? i always thought that babies move a lot from side to side but i havent felt any kicks on my right side.
I'm 24 weeks. The baby favors my left side as well. Since she started kicking its usually always on the left. Just recently she's been moving more towards the middle.
I am 21 weeks and my baby likes to kick on my right side alot too. But also my placenta in anterior (in front of the baby). Ask your sonographer to check , I am sure that is why i don't feel it especially in the front.
Im 21wks in my second pregnancy. My baby only kicks on my right side, when i went for my scan i asked about this and was told that the baby probably finds it the most comfortable position and thats why all the kicks are on one side.