sorry, just had to vent...my feelings are hurt...my folks just arrived and at dinner tonight, I told my mother how I had only gained 6 pounds so far (i'm 20 weeks sat)...I am generally thin, and 5'10 so I was acutally suprised how little I had gained this pregnancy (I eat all day)...and with my daughter at 20 weeks I had gained 20 pounds...and my mother says to me "oh really? I thought you looked fatter than you did with your first pregnancy"!!?!?! she is comparing the way I look now versus how I looked the summer I was pregnant with my daughter....this little peanut is due September, my daughter was due in December...I was floored...I try not to take her comments seriously b/c she seems to enjoy getting digs at me...but seriously this hurt my feelings...dh, is being such a sweetheart...and my mother called me fat in my last pregnancy as well (I gained 37 pounds) going from 140-177) this pregnancy I went from 137-142 so far...anyways....I know i'm healthy, my baby is healthy...and I eat well...so she can go fish....
You said it hon! I mean no disrepsect to your mom - but if she is wanting to make you feel bad about yourself during your pregnancy - she can go fly a kite. I am very impressed that you have only gianed 6lbs so far!! I am 25w and have gained about 17 so far!! Don't pay any attention to her or her comments. My sil made acomment along those lines one day and I responded and told her if she was pregnant? She said of course not - you know that - and I said .. oh well you look like you are. And walked away. I think she got the point. Got me on a bad hormone day!
You only gained 6lb at 20 weeks that is amazing I think you're doing really well! How hurtful of your mum to say that :-( When I had my DD (She's 19 months now, I am 14wks pregnant with #2) I put on alot of weight in the first 20 weeks. My midwife was like "you're putting on alot of weight - do you FEEL like you're putting on alot of weight?" !!! I tried to be more sensible in the 2nd half of the pregnancy and the weight gain slowed down. In total I gained 30lb (think it was about 31lb to be precise!) I have read that is normal and not too much but at the time people I know who didn't gain much weight while pregnant made me feel it was alot just cos they didn't gain as much. It must be hurtful when your mum of all people makes digs like that, especially when you're hormonal and probably more sensitive to these things. I hope she won't say anything else hurtful to you :-( I remember with my DD I got such a big bump (I'm only 4ft 11 inches tall) people would ask "are you sure it's not twins?!" then exactly a week before I went into labour (2 weeks before my due date) a friend said to me "you haven't really got any bigger the last few weeks have you?" which made me paranoid that baby wasn't growing or something! Silly I know but I was very sensitive to comments at the time lol! God bless x
Thanks girls...it helps talking to people who knkow what its like right now...SoftBreeze, I love your come back...wish I could have been that witty...and this is all worth it for my Peanut...who we find out on Monday whether its a boy or girl...Yea...
i guess your mom just doesn't know that women pregnant with second babies and beyond show sooner and more than on their first baby. someone needs to educate her on taste. don't let it bother you. some people just get kicks out of what they think is "brutal honesty" but what is actually a lack of taste. i would say tell her that was uncalled for and another hurtful comment like that might cause you to stop inviting her to dinner. tough love is the only thing that works sometimes.
my mom said to me the other day....you dont even look pregnant...you just look like your fat! LOL i feeeeel your pain!
wow cookie, that is horrible that your mother would say such hurtful things to you. I think your mother is uncomfortable about herself and that is why she would say something to try to make you feel the way she does. I know that things like that are harder to ignore while pregnant, but i think the best thing for everyone is to ignore it, however if she continues to say such mean hurtful things..... i would deg say something to her, because you don't deserve to be put down at all about your size during pregnancy....i hope it was just a one time thing... oh and sept 27th is a great day to have a baby (hehehe that my bday lol) congrats on your next lo, :)
I DONT CARE WHAT ANY MAN WOMAN OR CHILD SAYS OR THINKS.....EVERY WOMAN ON THIS EARTH IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN EVER WHEN SHE IS PREGNAT. =] and i really mean that....lol a not so attractive woman can get prego and just have that glow that makes her attrative. =] i dont have to know what you look like to know if your pretty, just knowing that you have a lil life inside makes you beautiful!!!
Aw Cookie dont worry about it! Pregnant woman are beautiful! Sometimes people say hurtful things to make themselves feel better, just ignore it. Embrace your pregnancy glow! My husband will tease me alot but he tells me all the time I am beautiful. Actually we were in the store yesterday and I am starting to waddle a bit (I know not attractive) he was teasing me and trying to walk like me and I burst into tears, it was awful, he felt so so bad, but he told me he loves me and he thinks pregnancy just makes me even more beautiful, and that he loves watching the chagnes in my body through this process. Gotta love those pregnancy hormones!!!!!