Morning Sickness Starting In 2nd Tri
4 Replies
Did anyone start to gag or throw-up only in the 2nd trimester? I am 16 weeks today and have been gaging for the last 2 weeks and have thrown up about 4 times in that period. I felt fine during the 1st trimester. This is my second pregnancy. My 1st ended in a miscarriage in the 1st trimester.
Yikes! I feel for ya. I don't know how common it is but I know many women still have m/s well into their second trimester. I have friends who said they were sick up till their 5th and 6th month and some even their 8th. Everyone is different. I wouldn't worry about it and just ask your doc about it on your next appt.
Hi i am in my 13 weeks i stard to have this bad sym thrown up ex.......I was fine during my 1st trimester. but my friend say that i'am having a baby boy.
So good luck to as
with my first pregnancy I didnt start morning sickness until week 12 and I had a boy. With this pregnancy I started really early 5 weeks and again I am having a boy.
Thanks for everyone's input. I am glad to hear that it is not totally unusual to start so late with the sickness. I would just love to feel a kick and then I will feel more at ease.