Nail Polish-pg121397206885
3 Replies
My nails are usualy strong and have gotten weak since I became pregnant. They break easily and are very flimsy. i just want to make them look nice by wearing nail polish and maybe strengthaning them with the top coat. I heard that painting your nails while pregnant is bad...I was just wondering if that is true...I don't paint them all the time just once in awhile with the windows wide open near the window so it doesn't smell up the apartment.
I never heard that getting your nails done during pregnancy is bad. I get pedicures all the time (I;m 24 weeks with twins) and I also got my nails done all the time with my daughter and she is fine. Go get them done if you can, its very relaxing.
The ONLY thing that can hurt your baby in nail polish is the fumes. I am 11wks with #3 & now that I'm feeling a bit better have started to paint my toe nails again, (also started shaving my legs again much to hubbys delight lol). If you do it in a VERY well ventilated area your baby will be fine.
I painted my nails all the time with my daughter and with this pregnancy. I mean as long as the air is ventilated well, then you should be fine. I have never heard of it being bad for you. It's not like we all stick our nose up to the bottle and inhale. Hee hee that'd be gross.