My name is Stacey and I am due Sept. 26. For the last month or longer, I have had this feeling in my throat. When I swallow it feels like a lump. My doc looked and said he didn't see anything, but did a throat culture and thyroid test, which came by negative. The only thing is when I swallow, it makes me feel like there is something in my throat which, in return makes me feel like I am going to throw-up. Help any ideas on what this may be.
Stacey you would not by any chance be taking any laxatives? It's a common side effect for them....
If you are not, then lump sensation in the throat can reflect incoordination in the food pipe. This happens when we're nervous, excited etc. It's very possible it's more psychological than physiological..... so relax (easier said than done) and you'll be fine!
Thanks for your response. I will try to relax, my nerves are a little crazy right now, I have a lot going on in my life right now, other than being pregnant. Sometimes it is worse than other times. Thanks for the info.
Hi Stacey,
I am glad I came across your message because I am due Oct 23. I am experiencing the exact same thing as you. It feels like there is a lump or bubble in my throat that won't go away. It seems like this lump has caused me to throw up in the last couple of days. I have never really thrown up during my pregnancy. I have really been worrying about this. I am not sure what it is but I have a doctor's appt on 4/27. So maybe they will see what is going on. I will let you know what I find out.