Hey ladies! I am 20 weeks pregnant and think I have a urinary tract infection. I am prone to them as it is, but this is the first one during my pregnancy. I have been drinking water and choking down cranberry juice. Before, I used to take AZO UTI relief pills that turn your pee orange. Is it safe to take them? I just thought I'd ask you girls before I call the doc.
I had a UTI last week and just got rid of it, go to your doctor. They prescribed me this anibiotic that is safe to use during pregnancy. and now its all gone :D
it's my 17th, and had a UTI. on my 13th week, i had a cervial cerclage due to which i was on antibiotics. i fear medicine of any sort during pregnancy and especially these antibiotics! i have observed few cases of fetal deformity and 2nd trimester abortion due to intake of antibiotics.. i m avoiding to have another dose of antibiotics, and just having fluids to get well!!! but again, consulting with the doc is the best idea. wish u gud luck!