Hey Make Room Here Comes The June Mommies 09
171 Replies
Hi Ladies,
RC sounds like you had a full day!
My weekend was also pretty full, after friday night. i went to preregister at the hospital on saturday, which was interesting, I was quite impressed with the facilities actually, they have LDR rooms so they never move you and the baby is with you the whole time after birth. I don't have to deal with emerg. either or anything, when I go into labor I can go right to the birthing unit, so i thought that was nice too.
I've been finding myself hungry SO much, for the first time I think in my life I got up in the middle of the night to have a snack the other day, because my stomach felt empty. and Like I said before my baby seems to like to turn somersaults... all night long!, I like the feeling though, it's not strong enough to keep me awake yet.
Oh, thanks lucy, i'm glad I'm not the only one with braxton hicks. It's been better the last few days, so I'm not so worried, although still carefully counting the weeks down. I pa__s the time by going on pregancy websites :P and watching informative videos about baby care, or birth. I also read a lot about giving birth, cus it helps me feel ok with the idea, I like to know what to expect, it relaxes me. Poor DH isn't quite ready for that yet. He won't talk about anything connected to labor, but he's willing to come to prenatal cla__ses with me.
NE ways I'm at work, so I'd better run,
talk to you all later.
OMGosh ladies, ok, I have this totally embarrasing problem! The night before last I ahem...wet the BED! what the?! Well, last night I was dreaming and had to go but was able to hold back but not before a tiny bit escaped. WHATIS WRONG WITH ME!????? Has anyone else had this happen to them? I wet the bed when I was about 8 or more mos with 1st pg too! OMGosh I don't know what to think!
This thread is going gangbusters now which is great! I love having people to talk to. I also wanted to let amylea know that I too have been feeling somewhat nervous about my pg. I think its something that you just have to expect until the baby is out. I just hear about all these women all the time who have lost their babies and it makes you wonder if you're also prone to that. Then last night my dh didn't make me feel any better by saying "So do you still feel pg?" It made my radar go off even stronger. I know he was just trying to make small talk but it was strange. So now every calm moment I have I'm hoping to feel that baby. But alas, I'm either not feeling it or I'm not 100% sure thats it.
Starlight if you check in I just want you to know that I wish you the best doll. Hope you find peace and can try again and be successful. I have a friend who lost hers and had to birth him at 15wks and I just asked her the other day if she was going to try again and she said no. She just doesn't feel like she needs to have another one now. That made me feel sad for her.
Well, I'm off to the gym girls! Gotta keep exercising to keep away any unnecessary fat deposits!
tracy, ur MILK reacted in a good way about ur pregnancy so chill girl :) just be urself and im sure everything will be just fine..best of luck at the big meeting xxx
overtaken, amazing u got to see everything at the hospital..i had the chance to keep my dd with me in the same room the whole time but i was SO tired that i needed to sleep at night so i kept sending her to the nursery where they took care of her. if u want my advice, dont research a lot on giving birth and those stuff.. its better to be clueless sometimes lol.. dont worry, relax and think everything will be ok :) some worrying and anxiety at this stage is normal, its my 2nd pregnancy and im a bit worried about the whole giving birth idea but when ur at the end of ur pregnancy, u will want this baby out in any possible way lol :)
rcmiller, i admire u cz u go to the gym and workout! running around my dd makes me feel exhausted as if i had done 200 push ups :p i can never imagine myself going to the gym..about wetting ur bed, im not sure how heavy ur baby is now..cz its more common at the end of pregnancy as u mentioned earlier... it might be that ur muscles down there are not that strong cz of the baby position?! but if it only happens once in a while its ok :D i always wet my pants with a drop while i run to the toilet.. i cant never reach at the right time :p
Just an update- and not a happy one. Went in Thurs for my big u/s and immediatly noticed that there was no fluid or heartbeat. My son had pa__sed away at 18 weeks. That night I was induced to deliver b/c I was to far along for a d&c. Friday at 11:10 am I delivered my beautiful baby boy, Jaxson. He was perfect in everyway. We are having testing done to see of there are any explanations as to why this has happend. I wish you all the best and hope you have healthy babies. I wish I would be here to post my birth story, but instead have to move forward and greive. We will TTC after a few cycles and please say a prayer that this doesnt happen to us again, I coldnt possibly deal with another loss of this nature. Thank you ladies
Starlight - You are such a brave brave woman, I will pray for you and your family. I am deeply saddened by you loss. I wish you all the best for your future.
I am loving this site, it's just getting better and better you girls are really keeping me going. Well these last few months I have changed from being a tom boy to a totally mushy girl. I really never thought I'd see the day where I got all gooey over baby stuff, but it's defo happening!!! Scott is now calling me soopy ha ha
RC - You are a machine girl, I cannot believe you are still going to the gym girl :-) I certainly don;t have the energy for that. I'm getting up at 6.30am going to work, gettin home at 6pm, having my tea and going to my bed. I am totally pooped!!!!
I have to admit last Sunday I gave myself a bit of a panic as I hadn't felt the baby move from Sat night. I got myself all wound up cause I'm feeling the 'little gas bubbles' and 'taps' all the time again. baby must have just been sleeping. I think we must all just ba at the panic stage, after all there isn't that much a difference in our d dates. I have never been a maternal person, now that I have seen that baby heard it and gone mushy I just don't want anything to go wrong.
Lucy - Thanks for the sound advise. I don;t know why I am just nervous to meet them, but I'm sure it will all be OK. I'm going to take your advise and try not to think too much about the labour part or hospital. I have never been in hospital as an adult. Was in once as a child but can't really remember that!!! Don't like visiting them so don't think I'll like being in one!!
Anyway girls you all think I'm having a girl (although I hope it's a boy) Any of you got any idea's of girls names to go with surname Porter.
OK better go for now, back to work. :(
Tracy you keep physching me out by posting as smithy cuz i keep forgetting that its actually you! As for girls names, I have a hard enough time coming up with names for myself! Lets see...how bout Georgia? I love that name but won't be using it because I'm going with something else from the family. I'm gonna have a nap now. I went to work for 4 hours this am to do some behind the scenes stuff and was there just after 6 am! Ever since I've been cleaning my house. Now I need to crash for a while.
Hi ladies. I haven't been around much because I've had my computer in storage and have been too busy at work to write anything. I had my 20 week scan today and OMG I've got an active little bird! The baby kept kicking itself in the face with its foot!!! lol. ANnnnnd....we found out that we're going to have another little girl. :) I was so hoping for a boy, but I'm very glad that she is healthy and active. Definitely a mover as well. Of course, I've had ten thousand cups of coffee today...my latest craving. I usually limit myself to one cup a day, but I wasn't able to contain it today. We went and looked at rentals and each one had free coffee. LOL. Poor little baby girl was hopped up on caffeine. The ultrasound tech was actually having difficulty snapping photos on the ultrasound because she couldn't catch any good angles. Therefore, I have 60,000 pictures of the little bugger --- half of them of her foot. ;)
We signed a lease to a new apartment today and we're moving out on the 26th...er...yeah. We're always ones for planning, that's for sure!! This is going to be fun. The price was just too good to pa__s up -- they're all desperate to lease out. $1,110/mo for a three bedroom/two bath apartment isn't too shabby. Especially considering that they wanted $1305!
starlight, ur always in my prayers dear and i really hope u will get pregnant again quickly once u plan to and that it will be a sticky one.. i cant get ur story out of my mind but ur such a strong person and i wish the best for u xxx
tracy, lol im sorry i meant to say ur MIL and not ur MILK! i just saw it and felt stupid :p thanks for not commenting though hehe :) its not nice to stay at a hospital ofcourse, i had to stay for 2 nights 2 months ago cz of the bleeing i had and it was awful for me.. but it all depends on the reason.. i was kept in the maternity ward and i kept hearing all those newborn baby cries and prayed that in a couple of months i'lll be able to hear my own baby's cry.. i was scared to death to miscarry - God forbid - but thanks God things turned out fine at the end :) but when u give birth and ur in there for a happy reason, then u wont feel as bad..and if it was a normal delivery, they usually keep u for a night and then u can get back home.. so its not sooooo bad :)
seredetia, congrats on ur new home! i wish we can move to a bigger flat cz we live in a 1 bedroom appt and now we have to share our room with 2 kids...but things are crazy over here and is so expensive even after all those economic crashes its still expensive..and im a SAHM and hate to work :p so we have to minimize our costs cz of that..i like our small flat though cz its close to everywhere so its ok :) i've always dreamt of having my own kids bedroom and now that i have a girl and expecting our boy, i woul have loved to paint their room half in pink and half in blue so every one of them will have his special place.. we'll see what happens :)
rc, hope ur dd arrived safely :)
Hey tracy I've stumbled across a couple more names you may be interested in. Aislinn and McKinley and Airlie. BTW, how do you know its a girl? I thought you hadn't had a scan yet?
Lucy, dd doesn't arrive till tomorrow am. But at least she's on her way! She is in California right now waiting to be taken to the airport in LA. Right now I'm feeling sick cuz I need to get some food in my tummy...................................ok, yumm, I just had the Aussie equivalent to honey nut cornflakes and I put fresh pineapple in with. I got these pineapples for $1 each! they are huge and juicy as and sweet!
IT's very muggy here in oz right now. I'm somewhat looking forward to work today bc it will at least be in air conditioning! I need to buy a bigger bra girls in the worst way! Please wish me luck. I'm wondering how much bigger I'll be when I start nursing! I actually never got to experience these big bajongas with my previous pgs bc I was pretty flat chested back then. But I was lucky enough to get implants a few years back so this is all new to me now! Lucy have you started to feel baby move yet? I can't remember if you have or not.
Hey Girls,
Well I have not been on here for weeks. It dwindled down to almost nothing so I gave up trying to talk to anyone. Its nice to see that its back up and going with lots of chatter. I dont know if anyone will remember me but Im 20 weeks 2 days. I was terribly sick for the first three months thankfully my midwife gave me a RX for Diclectin. Im down to only 2 a day now. I started to actually feel the baby kick the other day. What a cool feeling. How is everyone else feeling?
rc, yeah i've been feeling movements for almost 2 weeks now and im sooo enjoying it!!! i turned 18 weeks yesterday :) am i 5 months or not yet? i dint really know how to count by months cz its a bit complicated :s
sadie!!! wb girl!!! so happy to see that ur doing alright :) yeah its back to life in here since we all got through the miserable sickness months.. so far it has been only 3 weeks for me to feel like a human being again.. it was so awful before :s so is it a boy or a girl? :)
Hey girls! Glad we have some new (old) faces on here! Welcome back. Lucy you don't turn 5 months till 22 wks. 20wks is the halfway mark so hence 4 1/2 mos. You got a ways girl. Actually WE got a ways, I am almost 19wks so just over 4 mos. It seems to drag on doesn't it? Do you guys think that its still too early to be worried about laying on my back? sometimes I catch myself laying on my back and think I've been that way for quite a while cuz its a bit of a strange feeling. Also, I did read something somewhere which led me to believe that it isn't that it's harmful for the baby but rather a tad unsafe for the mother b/c of cutting off blood supply to who knows where?
Well, yesterday it poured rain here all day. The sun is shining again but it has been so humid it drives me insane! So seeing as how we have some fresh faces does anyone want to play another guessing game as to where in the world they are coming from? I'll start the ball rolling by just throwing out something wild. I'm thinkiing .....
Both Sadie and Sereditia somewhere in North America because you both sound pretty normal to me as in there's nothing in your way of speaking that would lead me to believe otherwise. Maybe you could throw out a couple hints. I think it would be fun to know exactly which state/province and city.
I was reading back and someone had made a comment about swelling up and I think I just started. I put on a pair of my shoes yesterday and had to wedge my feet into them. I am only almost 19 wks though and feel its too early for this. But my legs are def fatter than before. Could it be water ret as well? As for the diclectin, I was on it for my first pg 13 years ago. It was a lifesaver for sure. Thankfully each subsequent pg it got better so that now (#4) I'm just feeling yuck all the time. Ok! Can't wait to start the guessing game!
Hi everyone!
Everyone is so chatty now, yay!
RC, sorry about your 'problem' :P that happened once to me early in pregnancy, because of a dream .. SO embarrasing, but I woke up before I wet the sheets, and so far i've been ok, but I've heard it's ridiculously common, so you're not alone!
I love to feel the baby move, but when I don't then I immedietly worry LOL silly of me cus if i stop and sit still for a while, there the babe is again.
This week though, I had a bit of a fright, on tuesday night I came home feeling generally crampy and achy, and by 8:30 I was out and the cramps were definetly painful. not regular or anything like that, nothing else wrong, just like medium to strong menstrual cramps. so i went home and went straight to bed, with a gla__s of water, and in the morning I felt better.. but still vaguely achy and crampy. So of course I was just worrying myself silly, and planning if I should phne my midwife, but my noon I was fine so I didn't. my DH noted that night that my tummy seemed bigger.. and I will admit that after tuesday I felt the baby kick ABOVE my belly b___ton, which I never had before, so I thought maybe it was just a growth spurt?
I have to run, as it's late here, RC your game sounds fun, I think I already know where Sadie is from though from before so i wont' say.
Have a good weekend girls!
Hello Girls,
Well ill give a few hints. Its VERY COLD here right now :S haha....So i have a question for you ladies. Im 21 weeks and my b___bs have been feeling very sore. Well not so much my b___bs as my nipples. When they get cold they hurt, and I seem to be getting little crusty stuff on them. Sorry TMI....could this be colostrum? Anyone else have this problem. How is everyones baby bumps coming along? My belly is huge and stretch marks ughhh :( None on my belly tho just on my hips and b___t. Oh well it will all be worth it. Talk to you all soon!!!
Hey Grils! I'm 20 weeks today yippee half way there!
Sadie - Yeah I can sympathise with your nipple problem, mines are fine but as soon as they get cold they are in utter agony!!!! No crusty stuff yet but yeah I guess your guess is right! P.S ny guesses are Iceland?
RC, I liked the names you choose esp Georgia. Nut to be honest I'm not too sure and still have to find a girls name that jumps out at me. And know before you say I don;t know what I'm having yet ha ha But can't help thinking about names (even though I want a boy!) ha ha Did you dd get home safely?
I'm now beginning to think my little frog is playing drums in my belly. Yesterday it all stopped and I was really scared but today there has been loads of movement again. I tell ya it's freeking me out. Just gotta try and keep my head straight.
Can't wait till next Monday Scott's coming to the (20wk) scan with me, can't wait to see his face when he see's our little frog! Blessssssssss x
Forgot to ask, since it's my 1st baba why is not good to lie on your back when your sleeping? It's the only position I feel comfortable? I don't really feel comfortable any other way!
I was also reading everyone's conversations about wee's. I haven't had this kind of accident yet but if I do (which I'm sure I will) I'll now to have a wee giggle to myself - thanks girls!!!!!!!
What has everyone else been up to? Hopw your all keeping well!
Well away to read my book and have an early night speak soon Tracy xxx
Ok Sadie, my first guess is Canada. Possibly the NWT? As for sore nips...oh...my...gosh! I am having the same problem. But mine aren't just sore they are HUGE!!! I mean I've always had semi bi nips but we're talkin 15mmx18mm! Yup, I just measured them because I wanted to be acurate. My gosh..I'm wondering how a baby is even going to fit that in it's mouth! Hopefully it goes down. I just barely thought about the pain that comes along with nursing for the first little while and if this nipple pain doesn't go away it will be the worst yet!
Congrats Tracy on making it to HALFWAY!!! that's exciting. I'll be there in exactly a week. Well, I've
come up with my boys name. I just have to convince dh of the first name. Its a cla__sic but rare. I honestly don't know why he doesn't like it. Well, I told him if he wants anything different he's gonna have to come up with some suggestions which I don't think he'll do. That's not his forte. He's too busy building houses and fixin his car to think about names! So I guess I'll probly get my way on this one. Sorry I can't tell you the name b/c I don't want it to "get out there" and become popular b4 I get to use it. lol
Hey do you guys have that same stupid ad on the right of your screen with the Zwinky thing and you change its hair and hat and stuff? What is up with that? Who in the hell is gonna actually click on that? duh!