Lower Back Ache

1 Replies
CJ - September 7

I'm 18 weeks and lately been having an ache in my lower back, kind of like a knot or pinched nerve. It hurts when I tilt my head down or when I've been walking for a while. My stomach is not big (you can hardly even tell I'm pregnant). Does anyone else have a similar problem or should this be a concern?


Laura - September 7

Yes, all sorts of back pain, but especially in the lower back, is common during pregnancy. Personally my lower back (right across the small of my back) absolutely kills me some days. The pain and discomfort can start long before your stomach is big enough to cause you to stand off balance, because your body is releasing hormones that cause all your joints to loosen slightly. This is in preparation for birth, but it has the unpleasant side effect of causing pain in the lower back and hips because everything is slightly out of alignment. I've found great success in going to a ma__sage therapist for help.



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