
11 Replies
Anonymous - August 30

What week will you be able to feel movement from your fetus?


Julie - June 2

That depends. I am surprised that some women actually make it to full term without even knowing they are pregnant.


kali - June 4

well i felt my baby move about 18 weeks and im now five months .i did not feel the fluttering now all i feel is a big thud


Bec - June 17

It depends on the person. Your body type, how much fat you have etc. If its your first pregnancy, its said you feel it later because you've never experienced the feeling before. I felt fluttering at about 17 weeks (im now 19 weeks) and it grows each week. I have yet to feel a big kick but i cant wait !!


Maureen - June 17

I felt small little movements starting at 22 weeks, (last week that is) and I've never been pregnant before. I feel them most when I am lying on my back in bed for some reason.


lulu - June 18

Everyone is different but i felt it when i was 19 wks. anytime in your 4th or 5th month you should feel it just be patient. also try to concentrate on any moving in a quiet and relaxing place!


Ca__s - July 1

I am not sure if I have felt it yet. I am 22.5 weeks, and have just been to the doc to see if everything is ok. He said the baby is fine and moving around a lot, and I should feel it sometime in the next couple of weeks.


dymond - July 1

im pregnant with my first baby and i first felt her kick around 16 weeks (im now 31 weeks)...i never felt any fluttering or anything before the strong kicks.


sherry - July 29

This is my third pregnancy and I felt my baby move or shall I say flutter at around 13 weeks.


Sandra - August 30

This is my 4th Pregnancy and its true wha they say, every pregnancy is different. I feel fluttering, which i have not really experianced before but i can wait for the big one. I have more fat this time so it will take longer.


Anya - September 20

I am 17 weeks, and I have just felt the fluttering!!


Lacey V - September 22

I found out that you can begin to feel your baby's movements at or around the 18th week of your pregnancy. I am 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I can feel these little fluttering like movements in my lower abdomen. The movements are felt there, and just above your pubic bone. This kind of movement is called-quickening.



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