Pregnant Already Know The Gender
201 Replies
Hi mary. I conceived in july my due date is somewhere around the 6th of April and my bday is 5/13/82. Thank you.
lisa!~ Go away! So what if its accurate or not, it gives us woman some fun while we are waiting 9months! so what its half half but we just playing round with stuff!! stop being a stiff and join in!
| Kr - October 2 |
Yeh, fun!!! She's guessing!!
I conceived in June my due date is March 31st and my date of birth is 10-22-74
i consieved in may, due feb 18th and my date of birth is 04/18/1984
Thanks Mary..I hope your right. I'll find out this week. Also if you want to do this let me know the results.
I already have a child so,I could tell you the answer fairly easy. I conceived in April (96) baby's EDD was 1-23-97 and my DOB is 4-14-76
| JCR - October 3 |
Hi, conceived in May, due date 22nd January and my dob is 27th November 1973.
Cathy, conceived June, due mar 28, dob 8/18/72
| Emy - October 3 |
Mary, you say boy and I will have my ultrasound tomorrow so I will let you know if it was right! Thanks for taking the time to do this with us...
You were right for me! It's a girl...pretty cool.
Fyi.. you said boy... I just had u/s today and it is a girl! Thanks anyway!
| OMG - October 3 |
There is a 50/50 chance either way. 50% of your answers are probably right.
April, January 22nd, 8/29/79,
Hey Amber i'm also due on Janurary 15th
Katie, conceived in July, due date is 4/10/06, my dob 10/8/79. I love this stuff!! Thanks and I'll let you know when I find out.
i conceived in june.due date is march dob is 8-24-1975.