| jg - June 22 |
I don't know. But, reading all these answers made me realise that I am not the only one who can't fall pregnant. I know its only the 3rd month, but it sort of becomes the only thing you think about.
ive been trying for a year now and havent got pregnant im geting so depression for not geting pregnant can you give me avice
I am not sure what to say, because I am trying to get pregnant to but I have only been trying since May. My advice to you is to get to know your body and find out exactly when you ovulate. Also, have you tried fertility drugs like Clomid? I just got started on Clomid so I guess I will see what happens! Good Luck to you!
after s_x put your bum up in the air so the sperm can run down thats what i did lol
Well, it seems like there are more people with the same questions and no one has answered any of them. I found this website a couple days ago and having been trying to extend help where I can.
I am currently pregnant and ready to deliver my second child in the next 2 months. My husband and I initially tried the every other day method that Angela suggested, but it didn't work for us. Here are some of the key things to know: Most women ovulate 14 days prior to the first day of there period.
So if your cycle is normally 30 days, you would ovulate on day 16. Keeping that in mind, sperm normally lives inside a woman for up to 72 hours and takes 6-8 hours to travel up to the egg. Ovulation normally only lasts 24 hours. Timing is critical. You normally only have about a five day window to try to get it right each month. So start counting backwards ladies and go at it for the three days preceeding your expected ovulation date, the date of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. If you don't have a regular cycle this won't necessarily work for you. For people with this situation I suggest taking your basal body temperature, checking your cervical mucus and position, and purchase over the counter ovulation tests. There are numerous infertility websites that explain the benefits of using these other methods to help determine when you are most likely to be fertile. Also, keep in mind once you know you have your timing down and after 3 months it still has not worked for you, you should seek a doctor to make sure there is not a medical issue holding you back. It took me 7 years to get pregnant the first time and it took me 6 of those years to find a doctor that knew what was wrong. It is all about being informed. There are a lot of little things that the average person does not know until they get into an infertility situation and then your only as informed as you work to be. I had to take infertility drugs to get pregnant. For me getting pregnant became more of a science experiment because I had to use all of the methods to get pregnant which is not fun. If anyone has specific questions you can email me at msubbert@new.rr.com
okay i don't know if you're comfortable with herbal/vitamin supplements but if you are one very vital one is Soya Lecithin this helps your ovulation regulate and the ovum that are released are healthier, also zinc is vital to keeping a pregnancy progressing.And I've heard that having s_x every other day does work for some.But you do need to take the soya lecithin everyday.A more chemical and less healthy approach is taking the Pill inconsistantly.And you really had nothing to get even upset about until after trying for 6 months. But my biggest piece of advice is relax and have as much fun as you can trying!:)
me and my boyfriend has been trying for a while now, everytime we have s_x, and we are done the sperm comes out of me!!!WHY???
Just faith on god, everything will be ok,me and my husband r trying to get pregnant,its now been sixth month.
3 months been trying i gett up set when see my p help
i been pregnant already; yr. 2000, & yr. 2003 and both had a miscarriaged. we been trying to get pregnant snice our last miscarriage, no luck so far. Why is it?
Why can't I get pregnant. I having been trying for almost a year.
Go to a fertility clinic and get professional advice. My sister tried for 6 years and eventually went to the clinic. She now has twins. "stop trying so hard" is a load of bull! Some people have real fertility problems.
Me and my husband have been trying for seven months, and we want a baby so bad. What can we do?