Pregnancy, Sex and Orgasm

What's An Orgasm?

What is an orgasm? Wow, that's a loaded question (pun intended). According to the journal Clinical Psychology Review, there are 26 known definitions of orgasm. The one we've chosen is consistent with many and says that an orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure. Whether male or female, it consists of a series of involuntary muscle contractions in the sexual organs, lower pelvic muscles, and the anus. There is an accompanying release of endorphins - a natural opiate-like chemical that is produced in the brain that gives a feeling of euphoria.

In females, the most common method of arriving at orgasm is through stimulating the clitoris. To achieve orgasm one can masturbate, have penetrative sexual intercourse, non-penetrative sex, and myriad other activities. When orgasm happens, the person has physiological and emotional reactions. There is a change in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. And, there's an intense and explosive feeling of release and pleasure. Believe us, it's better felt than explained.

Let's Talk Sex

Now that we've gotten the clinical explanation down, let's talk about sex and orgasm during pregnancy. In times past, and even in some circles today, sex during pregnancy was a no-no. Never mind that it was sex that caused pregnancy. Sex during pregnancy is dependent upon a few factors, some relative to your beliefs or your partner's beliefs about sex, the physical aspects of your pregnancy (conditions or problems that can be exacerbated by sex), and the emotional aspects of your pregnancy.

The fact is that sex during pregnancy can be extremely enjoyable, even if you're not engaging in the activity very often. The increase in vaginal lubrication and the engorgement of the genital area increase sensitivity and some women experience orgasm for the very first time. Other women become multi-orgasmic during pregnancy. Other factors might include the fact that you don't have to worry about birth control (too late now) or, if you've been working hard and for a long time to become pregnant, the sheer joy of have sex for the fun of it can be great.

Conversely, sex might be a difficult thing during pregnancy. Nausea, pain, worry about hurting the baby, fatigue, and a number of emotional reasons like feeling large and unattractive and just not very sexy all contribute to difficulties with sex during pregnancy. This is when you and your partner need to communicate. Talking about the fears, concerns, feelings and frustrations can lead to loving responses that open the door to connection and pleasure.

Table of Contents
1. Pregnancy Orgasm
2. Orgasm in the 3 trimesters
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