Hi Phoenix-
I had my ultrasound yesterday. They did a normal one and couldn't get a good reading so they had to do a v____al one. I won't get my results back until monday. I did find out that I have another UTI. Not sure why I am getting so many of them. I have had three this year. I am also have major side pains. They can't seem to figure out what is wrong. I guess it could be a cyst. I feel like I am falling a part:( Anyways, congrats on the new donor and keep us updated!!!
Threw up again yesterday at 3ish pm my time. It took an hour and a half for the nausea to pa__s. At the time, temp was 99.1. When I finally could eat, I went to eat a graham cracker and as soon as I put it in my mouth and chewed a few times I had to spit it out...it tasted like an exhaust pipe to me. Made mashed potatoes later that day, the kind you mix with water, and it smelled like skunk spray to me. I asked DP to smell it and he said it smelled like b___ter.
Later that night at work, I kept gagging when I pa__sed one certain room. Got insanely hungry 4 hours after eating. At home now, and DP picked up a shirt he hasn't worn in 2 days and I can smell the sunscreen in it. It's in the closet.
I'm so over it. I tested this morning and again, BFN at 10 dpo...at this point I flat out refuse to test anymore until 19 dpo. I know something's in there.
Hi everyone,
Well ther hasn't been much since the last time I posted. My b___bs are sore and I have "wet" panties all the time it's so annoying. My temp is still up so that's good but other than that I have no symptoms so, I don't know anymore. I did have some brown "fluid" in my panties thursday but I haven't seen anymore since. Still hoping for the best though I really want to test but my better judgement tells me DON'T.
Good Luck this month Phoenix your signs sound promising!
aibogirl - girl you must be rich to keep buying all those test:) anyways I think you have all the symtoms Just have to hold out a little longer, I know you make till the 19th!! Good Luck:)
Would love to have a TTC buddy. Hubby and I have decided to have a third. We already have DS (3.5) & DS (2). We are trying for a girl but would be smitten with another boy to. June was our first month of causal TTC. LMP was 11th June. I have a 30 day cycle, so O should have happened around the 25th. 1-6 DPO I had major cramping and loads of CM. 8-13 DPO have had very tender b___sts. I am not very hopeful that I am pregnant, but we will see if AF shows her face tomorrow. I will test a coupld of days after a missed AF if thats the case. If AF comes this month then we will continue TTC.
Interesting story: my 2nd DH was not planned. I was totally unaware I was pregnant with him until I was 17 weeks preggo. Reason why I clued in was because I started feeling movement and my b___sts started leaking big time.
BTW does anyone know if this is normal. I had EWCM 4-5 DPO. Thinking I may have O'ed later than usual which is not normal for me. Or could this be a pregnancy symptom?
hey there all, just thought i'd give a quick update. 9dpo today, stopped opk, temp has been kinda sporadic, but it's staying kinda high these last few days. not sure if i should hold out a few more days on testing, but i think i should. this month has been more asymptomatic other than that weird ball in my gut and increased gas coming out both ends, and i havent eaten ga__sy food except for today, i had some hard boiled egg- yum! it is annoying not being able to lay on my belly since that's how i really want to lay down lately. been very dehydrated lately and drinking tons more water than usual and still want more when i'm so darn full of it! good luck to all!
DDT, how do you know what day you O'd? Are you just going by timeline? If so, you may have O'd later than you thought. I'd suggest using an OPK and BBT. BBT's can't tell you beforehand, but they are a great inticator of when you O'd so you'll know for sure.
PhoenixK: No, I am not using ovulation indicators. I am reluctant to spend money on them. At this point we are not desperate to concieve. I think if we are still not pregnant after 6 months of TTC I may go out and buy those things. It makes sense that I O'ed later, and with all the other symptoms it seems right. AF was due today and still no show. Considering I may well have O'ed later I am not holding my breath. I will test with a HPT in another 3-4 days. When is everyone else testing?
Pink spotting, AFish stuff goin on...still high temps...maybe I'm out...11 dpo...period was supposed to be due on the 13th...
Odd thing is that usually i spot brown before a period...ugh this sucks.
Hi All,
I have a question sorry if this could be TMI but I have this extremely thick yellow snot cm. it started yesterday night and I still have it. Does it sound like an infection? or could it be something else?
april, thick yellow snotty CM is completely normal. A LOT of woman's CM isn't clear, it's yellow, clear with yellow streaks, or just plain old snotty looking... like someone blew their nose in the TP when they have a cold. If there isn't a foul odor to it, I would just a__sume it's normal. From some of the things I've heard, yellow CM is actually a really good thing, it's like super CM, and a lot of women get preggers when they have it. Hope that helps.
Phoenix, yes I'm still here. AF is now 8 days late, I tested twice in this 8 days.. Both tests come up invalid, no line in the control bar. I am waiting for another week and I will then go to the doctor for a test or blood test.
I am really optimistic but still not thinking too much about it. My b___bs are VERY sore, and heavy/full. I have been feeling queesy throughout the day at various times but trying to conquer that with water and biscuits.
The funny thing is, I got a full body ma__sage on saturday. Halfway through the lady stopped - 'Are you pregnant?' I said no, she asked if I thought I was but to stop any questions said no, she then said 'You've got muscles in your lower back that we often find consistent with pregnant women'
Also, my mum's best friend is a psychic, this afternoon she told her that I was pregnant, with a baby girl, I was 5 weeks and my period is nearly 2 weeks late :|
Let me know what you all think, I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.
Goodluck and baby dust to all :) xx
Wow, ALC, sure are hopeful signs. I wouldn't be able to wait for another week. I'd be out buying more HPT's.. sounds like you had a couple of bad ones. I'd be buying them until I got a good one! I'm sure keeping you in my prayers!
Hey ladies
11 dpo today. A little woozy but it happens to me often throughout my cycle. Still not thinking there's any chance of being in the running this month. A little pink spot last night but no af yet, but not due for that until Saturday. Not sure if it's normal, but I've had 2 temp spikes this month. -sigh-
I'm a__suming I'm 12 dpo today...I have no idea at this point. Still pink dishcharge. Before I took a nap I felt like I was having true to life period pains...bloat, gurgly intestines, sensitive bowels (felt like I had to poo)...but true AF cramps never accompanied them. My kind of AF cramps are moderate and never severe so I can tolerate them with no pain meds if I HAVE to but prefer NOT TO cuz it's really hard to concentrate. Never got them. I had this once this cycle already but with no discharge the first time. Basal body temp upon waking is still 98.6, and if I take temp during the day it's usually 99.0 or above...a few times it's been 99.5. I was mildly nauseated last night around 7 pm. I think the smell of burned garlic on a george foreman grill triggered it.
I don't know what to think at this point. Waiting for red blood but even if I insert a tampon and then remove, it's dark pinkish (probably cuz there's more blood closer to cervix) but when I wipe it's pale pink (further away from cervix). Preggers symptoms seem gone...my b___bs went down but are still mildly sore in certain places like before. Sense of smell gone. Haven't seen any nausea today yet. Food aversion gone. I have an appet_te again. STill have stuffy nose. I still have yet to see a change in bm though...for this entire week it's been loose or watery and with a greenish tint, probably cuz of vitamin and/or me not eating much at all.
I don't wanna torture myself anymore...I kinda WISH AF would show up now so I can start over again cuz I'm so unsure of what's happening. :( I'll definitely do a lot of things differently next time in regards to charting.
Thanks for the advice Phoenix, It does have an odor to it but its not foul it smells like iron (very metallic like) maybe that mean AF is around the corner. I'm still hopeful though.
Buby dust!!