Can Symptoms Of Pregnancy Decrease Or Disappear
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Starting June 15 to 24th, I felt bloated, heavy in the abdomen, the urgency to pee alot, the ocassional nausious feeling and feeling warm at times. The on the 23rd I began bleeding (on the first day moderate) then the next day light and then the rest of the days spotting (which is not normal for me). I had period like cramping for the first day that I bled and then it seems as if the symptoms I was having before hand decreased alot. I still pee more than usual and sometimes feel abit bloated in the abdomen area. I have had two pregnancy tests and both were neg. My period only lasted 4-5 days, instead of the usual 7. Do you think I am pregnant or just had an early light period. Can symptoms improve or disappear after implantation bleeding?