I do not get a regular period. (nothing wrong, my mother was the same way with her period at my age. i have seen a doctor for this a while ago.) I can't go by "the missed period". Reason being, I don't always get one. My boyfriend and I haven't been using the smartest "birth control" method. We've just used the "pull-out" method. For a little over a week now, I've been feeling nauseous multiple times throughout the day, also I've noticed that (not every day) a couple times when I've gone to use the rest room, I've been spotting. Not enough to have a flow-like a period, just enough to see when i wipe. I've also notice when this happens, I constantly need to pee. As well as cramps. I have gone up a cup size it just over a week, yet they are not darker or tender. I have taken 3 tests, they all have said negative-it's to soon to tell so I figured they would be negative. I've been told this could be signs of conception. Are those signs of conception?