I know there are dozens of "Am I Pregnant" topics here but everybody is different is every BODY is different so mine is no exception. With that said...
I am approximately one week late for my period. However, starting about 4 days ago, I began cramping and feeling very bloated. It felt exactly like I do when I'm on my period but there was no period. There is still no period. I decided to take a HPT and it came back negative.
And yesterday, my nipples started feeling VERY sensitive to the touch. There is no discoloration.
I noticed a funky discharge about a week before my period was due (two weeks ago) and it's still there just not as bad.
I still feel crampy and a lot of lower abdomen pressure and lower back pain...again.. exactly how I feel when on my period. Everytime I go to the bathroom, I expect it to be coming on, but it never does. Or it hasnt yet...
Did I test too soon? Should I test again? Do I need to make a drs appt?
well it's been two days since I posted. still no period. still same symptoms. again, a little advice would be greatly appreciated...
Hi, its been 3 days since you've posted, any new developments? I am curious because I think im headed down that same path with similar symptoms... cramping and bloated. I am 3 days late today but I haven't tested yet because like you mentioned maybe testing too early will confuse me even more so I'm waiting until I'm at least a week late (here's to hoping af doesn't come before then)... :)
Like u guys I was late three days then on the third day I had brine discharge then yesterday my period came. I sm still tired all the time and my b___st are really heavy and hungry all the time. I am wondering if I could be pregnant as I never miss and always regular and on time. Has anyone have a similar experience and it turned out that they are pregnant.