DN, dont feel bad it was all greek to me also until just recently. Im over 40 and never really took too much notice of wat was going on there until i started ttc#4 8months ago. Here's wat i know. For 'most' women, theres a short dry period right after AF ends. Then a lotiony cm starts and slowly clears and becomes stretchy. When it becomes like eggwhites (really stretchy and glob-like) then you're ovulating. After ovulation (and hears where it differs for alot of woman) ur CM slowly returns back to lotion-like and then dries just before AF comes. From wat read and reasearched the second half of ur cycle (after-ovulation) differs for many women. I guess if ur usually really wet then and become dry one month its a sign or visa versa. Hope this helps ill try to find some sites that explain it better and post it later.
| DN - June 10 |
Thank You Sylvie for your time...I was trying to look for somethings online but I guess how I put in the google search it is not giving me what I want...SOmeone said on another thread that to bad there is not asomething like a dot that shows up on the beklly when we are pg...I was thinking like a pop up stick like on an Perdue oven stuffer roaster....lol
I have no cervical mucus discharge. My period is late for 2 days now. Does this mean my period is just coming or does this mean something else? My husband and I had been trying to concieve for 10 years now.. This the 1st time my period is late. I am afraid to buy pregnancy kit because I don't want to be disappointed... but what do this dryness mean? No CV discharge? Is this a sign that my period just coming?