Faint Line On Ovulation Test
20 Replies
HI LC....according to what i research...once you get a positive result you have to bd'ing for 3 straight days...so that's what i did...i got a positve opk last tuesday so we bd from tuesday to thursday....just to make sure there is enough good swimmers waiting for the release of egg.
Just to confuse the issue, the LH surge does not guarantee that you ovulated, only that you tried. If you want a second read, start temping (BBT) by going to www.fertilityfriend.com The disadvantage of temping is that while it demonstrated that you have ovulated for sure, it tells you when it is almost too late to do anything about it. Combine the two methods with cervical mucus and cervical position and you will be as scientific as is possible (some prefer to trust to luck). Good luck!
| LC - July 29 |
Thanks Nancy! We shall do as you and bd all weeked! :-)
i too had this confusion abt opks. then i found out. some brands say that test there should be a test line appearing, which indicates the surge. some opks always have the test line, but faint. the test line needs to be of the same colour as the ref line or darker, when u surge. So i usually buy heaps of the type 1 opk i mentioned(www.babycreations.com. eah stick is just about 30 cents. so cheap) and test. when i see a faint line, i test with 'answer' brand. i would see a darker test line in that.
I have been taking dollar tree OPK's for the last week now and for the last 3 mornings I have been getting a faint line? Not really sure if I should keep testing or not?? I have a normal cycle. I have taking a fertility test after TTC for the last 2 months and I am fertile, now just concerened if I am ovulating. Is it normal to keep getting a faint line for a few days?