Pregnancy Symptoms Need Advice
3 Replies
Hello there.
I've had weird periods for the last two months (light and short) and this month I missed it altogether. Two weeks after my potential "conception" date, a small ball of blood was released. I've taken two hpts and both came out negative, the last one being two days ago (when I would theoretically be 11 weeks). However, I've been having bad heartburn occasionally (never had it before...) and my stomach is upset after most meals. I haven't been sick. I also have noticed my br___ts are tender, and there are thick blue veins which are more evident now. I went to the doctor today for a test... she did a urine test, and it was negative. I didn't descibe any of my symptoms besides missing my period (I guess I was nervous and she didn't ask). She switched my bc pill. I have read that some women's hcg levels are low, and cannot be detected until later in pregnancy. I know I should go back for a blood test to be sure, but I was just there today! Anyone have any ideas or thoughts? Thanks a lot!
| m - March 23 |
the only thing that you can really do is go to the doc for a blood test, describe your symptoms or just wait it out and spend the money on hpt's. good luck..
There are a lot of reasons that you maybe experiencing what you are. MC pill maybe one. I have a condition called hyperprolactema which causes my period to be very irregular, it also causes b___st changes. I think if the HCG are too low and don't rise properly early, then there maybe a serious problem. You really need to discuss EVERYTHING that is going on with your body with your doctor, there are things that should be treated other then pregnancy that could be causing your sympthoms
maybe u could wait till ur next period is due then take another test if it still says the same then maybe the thought of this which maybe causing stress or something which maybe delayin ur period to try to relax more and taking time out may help a bit