Why Can't I Get Pregnant?

There are other factors that will effect how successful you are at conceiving, so let's have a brief look at each of these, and how they contribute to the factor of conceiving.

Late Planning

The trend today is for women to complete their education and establish their careers before they think of settling down and starting a family.

However, for a woman over the age of 35, conceiving becomes a problem. Infertility increases with age. Fertility peaks for both sexes in their mid-twenties and then appears to decline steadily in women over thirty and men over forty.

Tubal infections, fibroid tumors and endometriosis are more common in older women and are a common cause for infertility. We can help you have a baby. Find out how.

The Male Sperm Count

Naturally, if your partner has a low sperm count, the chances of falling pregnant are going to be much lower than if your partner has a high sperm count. There are several factors that may cause your partner to have a low sperm count.

  • Your partner's age: Younger men tend to have a higher sperm count than that of older men. Men generally tend to reach their sexual peak between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • Loose fitting clothes: Loose fitting underwear or clothes will increase your partner's sperm count. This is because the testicles will be allowed to be further away from his body and help keep them at a cooler, more optimum temperature.
  • Drugs and smoking affect sperm and may impair male fertility
  • Stress is also one of the leading factors in a low sperm count

If you or your partner are concerned about sperm count, a good place to start is a home screening test. This can determine whether your sperm concentration is above or below 20 million sperm cells per milliliter.

Polycystic Ovaries

Cysts are formed when the follicle fails to rupture at the time of ovulation and begins to grow instead. This condition occurs due to hormonal imbalance and is marked by absent or infrequent menstruation.

Women having this condition have a chronic tendency to have their periods at intervals ranging from every six weeks to six months.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Naturally, the type of lifestyle you lead will also have an effect of the chances of successfully falling pregnant. Eating the correct foods is one of the ways to ensure that your body is healthy.

Drugs, alcohol, smoking and caffeine affect your body in many ways that will prevent you from falling pregnant. Let's take a brief look at how each of these affect your chances of falling pregnant, and how they can affect your pregnancy.

Table of Contents
1. Why Can't I Get Pregnant?
2. Want to get pregnant? What to avoid
3. TTC? Try these 2 tips
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I am 38 years old and I have not never taken pills or anything else to prevent getting pregnant. My husband always taken care of. My youngest is 6 years old and I am trying to get pregnant and no luck. I get really emotional and frustrated and I try not to think about it but when I least except it one of friends tell me they are pregnant. I am happy for them but I get frustrated. I have a sister who is and pregnant. What can I do should I ask my gynecologist to run some tests? I have been trying since last year September.
9 years ago
I have cysts on my ovaries an I been having sex when I think I'm ovulating but nun happen so what should I do now last month my period was acting funny the day it supposed too come on it didn't but when it did cum on it was not right an I was cramping an I usually don't I been feeling funny stomach been acting funny since then wat do u think is goin on I'm going too the doctor this month too see why I'm feeling weird.
10 years ago
I need help conceiving. I've been trying for 6 1/2 years now I feel like I've done it all except IVF anyone know any drinks or food to help me ovulate?
11 years ago
This is a great article. I believe that living a healthy lifestyle is one of the keys to preparing the body for pregnancy. The weight is under control, the mind body and spirit are at ease and you're chances are much higher at getting pregnant.
12 years ago
I've been ovulating on the 18th of the month. Should I be taking my clomid days 5-9? The first round was a no go. The dr.'s up my dosage to 100mg.
12 years ago